My Boyfriends Crime Fit In A To-Go Cup

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"I know it's fucked up but that's the way my heart works" Fought For Me by Paradise Fears.


I pulled into Shane's driveway and practically leaped out of my car. After the phone call my heart was racing. What has he done?

I knocked on the door franticly. Noanswer.I circled the apartment front. Aha! An open window. Well here goes....

I slid into the apartment and looked around. Don't see anything... I cautiously walked through halls and approached a room which I guessed was Shane's.

I stepped in and my shoes made a clicky sound on the tile.

"Please. No more." I heard a soft sob come from under the bed.

"Oh my god destiny?" I asked feeling tense.

"Huh? Is that you Natalie?" She cried in relief.

"Yeah. Come out." I said helping her out.

"Thank you so much for coming! We need to get out of here! Shane will be back soon." She whispered.

"No. Sit down. What happened?" I asked taking a seat on the floor.

"W-well.....its happened 3 years ago... I met shane and we became good friends. Although, one night he turned. We were watching a movie and he....he raped me. I was so scared. I new he went to jail for many other crimes....but when I saw him yesterday, he he he he..." She trailed off.

"Don't worry. Calm down and continue." I said.


I ratted my boyfriend out. He raped a girl I had met. God. The bitch. Shane is such a douche bag right now! I was his girlfriend for 2 days and he already raped a random girl!!!!

I saw him the next day and downright slapped him, yes, I slapped my boyfriend. "What the fuck Shane!" I hissed, "Natty, Natty calm down, you need to understand where I'm coming from" he said calmly, "how can you sound so calm when you just raped a girl!" I argued,

Shane slapped his hand over my mouth, "shut the fuck up Natalia, we're in public" he growled, I froze in fear, Shane had never acted this way around me, never.

I tore his hand from my mouth and stormed off, tears threatening to spill, and got into my Chevy. I drove through downtown into the country where my house/mansion was located. Upon opening the door, I heard Susan's voice,

"Yes I'd like to report a rape, Shane Blossomer currently resides at 789 Seashell Way, he recently assaulted my daughter in law Kimberli. yes thank you, he should be home around 8:00 tonight" Susan said,

I froze, the cops were coming for Shane, I pulled my phone out, and called Shane, "Shane babe, I'm so sorry, Susan found you, you have to get out of town now" I told Shane when he answered, "fuck" Shane breathed, as the sound of a door knocking down was heard in the background.

"I've gotta go Nat, I'll see you in 20 years" Shane breathed, and hung up, I wiped a stray tear, even if Shane had just raped Destiny, I didn't want to lose him,

I waited an hour, before heading to the police station. A girl and boy with Shane's dark brown hair sat in chairs, Ansley and Sean I thought, I walked up to the front desk, "I need to see Shane Blossomer" I told the lady, she rolled her eyes, "yeah, wait with them" she directed towards Ansley and Sean.

I huffed and made my way to the seat, "um, I'm-" I started but Sean cut me off, "we know who you are, Natalia" he said grimly,

"Don't mind him, he's a douche" Ansley grumbled, I raised my eyebrows in amusement at the two siblings, when Shane and two officers barged in,

"You two ladies, get out!" One of the men barked, and the office lady took herself to be one of the ladies as the three of us ran out of the room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, as the click of a lock was heard, and Sean's yelling was heard,

"They're hurting him" Ansley whispered, "they won't, Shane will be fine" I tries to tell her, the office lady scoffed, "no he won't, they made us leave because he rapes women, we're out here too be safe"

I sighed, "he wouldn't hurt me" I whispered peeking through the glass window, "come on big brother, you know you'll be fine soon" Ansley whispered, I began to feel my adrenaline rush.

I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair and picked the lock and ran in, Shane looked at me with fear in his eyes, I grabbed him by the shoulders, he calmed at my touch but he still looked frightened,

"It's okay," I say, "it's just me" I said, and I felt Shane's hand slap against my cheek,


The end! Thoughts? Most of this was written by Katie, but I wrote some too, I just missed Shane and Nat too much, I'm gonna start co-writing this with Katie, because I feel like it, anyways have a good day! :)

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