gally imagine two

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Your POV

You let out another blood curdling scream. Thomas and Brenda were hunched over you with a worried look on their faces as the pain shot through your brain over and over again. You could barely think, barely breathe. You didn't know where it was coming from. This had been going on for hours now and the others were now just trying to get away from the sound so they could get some sleep. It made you feel bad but you couldn't help it. It felt like a spike was being driven through your head repeatedly but you wouldn't die. You were almost craving death now. It had been already a full week of running across the Scorch and every single night the pain would come back again. Then all of a sudden it would subside to a throb until the next night. You feared the night. You hard started moaning his name, craving him, through the pain. Gally. He had let you leave the Glade without him and now he was dead. Minho had killed him and you had never quite forgiven him for it. You missed how it felt when he held you in his muscular arms, missed the way his toned body felt under your hands. But most of all you missed the way he made you feel. Special.

Gally's POV

It had been the same for weeks. During the day, WICKED tortured me to try to force me to go down and do the mission and during the night it stopped. My mission was to go down and inject all the others that would make them think Y/N was dead and then I had to abduct her and bring her to WICKED. I refused. I wouldn't let them torture her the way they did to me. They would take guns and weapons I'd never seen before and use them to cut all over my body. After weeks of this treatment, I'd become weak. Every slash still hurt but at the same time I thought it might be better. Better if she was here with me. I almost threw up with disgust. How could I think that? She didn't deserve this.

"You're done for today. Come on." A voice hissed in my ear. I looked up in surprise to see a man standing before me holding a shirt and shoes. He unlocked the cuffs around my hands and I hurriedly put the clothes on. The fabric made my open cuts sting but I was just glad not to be exposed for all of WICKED to see.

"Follow me. We have to show you something." The same man said again before turning sharply on his heel and exiting the room. I felt a sharp nudge in my back which I only assumed to be a gun before I walked after the man.

We walked down white hall after white hall. I felt anger at the thought that everyone in these walls had kept us prisoner in the Maze for years.

"I am A.D. Janson. Our supervisors have advised us to throw you our sales pitch again but this time, a different meaning for you." The man who now had a name said. I looked up, curious.

"As you know, your mission is to go down to the Scorch and inject Subjects A2, A5, and A7 with this memory serum which will transmit new memories of the death of Subject B19. Then you will inject a separate serum into Brenda and Jorge which will simply render them unconscious seeing as they already work for WICKED. Then you are to bring Subject B19 to us. You have been refusing." A.D. Janson explained (for the millionth time) in one breath.

"You are one dumb shank if you think I'm going to do any of that klunk." I spit out.

Janson gave me a smile that made my blood run cold.

"Am I though? Here's our new pitch. You do that, you get to stay with Subject B19 here in WICKED. Together for as long as you wish. In happiness and peace. If you refuse, we will continue killing her. By the time they reach the Scorch, she'll already be dead."

My heart stopped. They couldn't kill her. She couldn't be dying. Not Y/N. She was always so full of life and beautiful. There was nobody like her in the entire world. Memories rushed back of the kisses and touches and just being together.

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