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I feel my body rip through the air. I smirk as I feel this sensation.

It appears my abilities did transfer over

I reach my mark, and I'm behind someone in a cloak

"I didn't know it rained out here," He says as he is about to go drop a sword on a person I recognize as Kirito

"That's because it doesn't," I mutter before slamming the blade I had to his side

Barely....he just barely dodges it. He jumps away to see who almost struck him. But he knew before he even asked for my name

"(U/N)....the Lightning Swordsmen," He says as he smiles ear to ear. The red army gets unsettled

"The Lightning Swordsmen?" They mutter as they speak of my pure speed

"I've wished to go head to head with you for a while," He says raising his giant meat clever that must be his weapon. I ready the simple sword I grabbed. It isn't as long or as heavy as I'm used to. Studying the situation, he had everyone to their knees. I'm not sure how long I can last....but I'm sure I'll wipe the floor with him

"Yes, I'm bringer of Lightning.the last thing you'll see is a flash. And the last thing you'll hear is thunder," I say loudly to intimidate as many people as possible

"He's lying, he can't do that!" One of them yells

"I'll kill boss man then," I say as I leap. I go flying toward the guy holding the meat cleaver. I strike with my sword but he dodges rather easily. My feet slide as I slow down, this kicks up dust in this sand-filled location.

Under the sand screen. The meat clever dude charges me. I didn't notice until it's was too late. I spotted the meat clever coming my way and barely managed to block. Normally, I would have dodged.

He strikes hard, and then in a blink of an eye, he spins around to attack my other side. I wasn't having any of it. I used invisible blade to shift my blade to the other side of my body. Our two blades strike each other.

I hear something shatter as my blade turns into nothing. I'm left with no weapon, and the guy is smirking

"Your nothing without a blade," He provokes

"Oh, yea?" I ask as I punch him square in the face, this caught him off guard.

I charge him, hoping to take advantage of this surprise. I jump and try to roundhouse kick the guy. But I was too slow to act. He grabbed my foot before it hit him.

"No bold," He says as he tugs my foot toward him and punches me in the gut. Instantly the wind is knocked out of me, his firm grip on my foot tightened and he tossed me like a paperweight toward a wall. In the span of 10 seconds, I had the wind knocked of me...twice

"I never expected the Lightning Swordsmen to be so weak," He says as he starts to walk toward me

"Never expected a person to pick on a handicap," I say as I see Kirito is still lying on the ground motionless

"Haha, he's a veggie now," He mutters

I slowly raise before the man reaches me

"Do you know who I am," He asks

"Yea, a douchebag," I tell him

"I'm know the name well, yea?" He says as he closes in

"I don't remember such a name...gotcha do more than shovel shit out of stables to get my attention," I tempt him as he finally reaches me. Instantly, he grabs me, he lifts me off the ground. I forget to mention, but he is pretty big dude. And once again hits my gut.

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