Long Awaited Duel(1k Vote Special)

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I sit back in my chair at the guildhall...I was bored out of my mind.

The past few months have been a blur....like for example I don't even remember the month I was in the underworld or whatever they called it...I don't remember a thing.

"You!" I hear someone yell from the entrance

"Me?" I ask as I turn around to face them...it was a cat race...or whatever they are called

"It's nice to see you...Mr almost won BoB but killed himself," she says as I try to remember who she is

"Ohhhhh, your Kirito's babe," I say as I let the teasing begin...her face begins to redden as my smirk grows wider

"Ha, gotcha," I mutter as I stand up

"Gosh, I didn't know you thought of me that way," Kirito says as he walks in

"Come on dude....you get all the ladies with your two swords," I say as the grin only widens

"You wanna go?" Kirito asks playfully

"Bring it," I say as he suddenly launches toward me with his swords drawn. I smile

"To slow," I say as he gets blinded by a bright light.

I shuffle out of the way as I draw my sword. The light fades as I let him regain his senses.

"Now time for a beatdown," I say as he looks at me. He did one thing wrong....he blinked

I used bolt right at the moment his eyes were shut....by the time they opened, my sword was already in the air swinging toward him.

He tried to block, but it was too late. A loud bang erupts as my sword cuts him in half like butter.

The light blued haired girl stood in shock.

"Wow," she says as Kirito turns to pixels

"Are you up next?" I ask with a smile as she shakes her head repeating no

"How long you reckon until he gets back?" I ask

"Right now," I hear a voice.

"Ohh," I say turning around to see Kirito standing beside Fuji

"I forgot Fuji was a healer," I say as Kirito rubs the back of his head

"You sure didn't hold back," he says as I smirk

"Why would I do such a thing...after all you are our saviour from Aincrad," I say sarcastically

"Oh come on, your one too," he says as I look at him

"If I recall, you got a party...I didn't..." I tell him as he shrugs it off

"About this....an official duel....no holding back," he says as I nod

"Sound good to me," I say

"I have the perfect place for this," he says as he uses his wings to fly. I follow suit and he brings us to a giant tree

"Why this place?" I ask as we land

"You know Zekken?" He asks

"Nope," I say as he faces palms

"Yuuki?" He asks as I shake my head

"I'm surprised Asuna hasn't said anything," he says

"Well... let's get on with it," I say drawing my sword

"Sinon will be witness to this battle," Kirito says as the blue-haired cat nods

"Go," she says

I use bolt...but this time Kirito was expecting it.

Our swords clashed as he deflected the force of my attack toward the tree. I jump mid-air just before I hit the tree so that my feet are pressing against the tree...then I jump which shoots me toward Kirito.

The force of the attack was much higher than before...and Kirito didn't have enough strength to deflect me this time. He blocked my attack which sent him flying backward. He quickly recovered with his wings and flies toward me before unleashing a combo attack with his two swords.

I block most of them. The odd one made it past my blocks...but not many.

Once Kirito was finished, I used an invisible blade before he would have a chance to attack again.

The powerful hit brought him to his knees as he blocked it directly.

I might be able to give powerful hits during the initial blow...I focus on speed to get the max force out of my heavy sword, it heavily contradicts Kirito's sheer strength that he has.

He was able to power through my blade with one sword and went for the kill with the other...I used appearing slash to avoid the sword and started another assault...ridiculing him with small slashes as he helplessly tries to locate me.

The skill runs out as we face off.

He readies his sword as do I...this will be the deciding attack.

I take the most powerful attack I have...and load it up

"You ready," Kirito says as I nod. As if a checkered flag just drops...the booming sound of thunder makes itself known to the world.

In a flash me and Kirito swapped places...however one of us fell....and it wasn't me

Kirito was on his knee has he caught his breath.

I helped him up as he caught his breath," you've gotten stronger," he says

"No...I've just never fought you seriously before," I say as he looks almost defeated

"Don't worry...you can't fight very well against someone who can travel the speed of light," I say

"I guess," he mutters

"So, I win yea?" I say as Kirito smirks

"I'm pretty sure we said best out of 3," he says

"That wasn't said....but bring it," I say accepting his challenge

I got into the stance...and as Sinon said go

I took a leaped

Thanks for 1k Votes, we are almost at 100k reads so expect another special chapter when that happens

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