The King VS The Lightning Swordsmen

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"Gotta buy this...oh and that," I mutter as I pick up soap and other items that we can't make ourselves

I walk to the front counter as the lady checks out my stuff. It's been 10 years since I've been stuck in here. A lot has changed. Kirito continued making this world have more tech. As such, stores have cash registers now

"This stupid thing!" The lady says frustrated

"Take your time, I'm in no rush," I say as she calms down

"Thanks for being so patent (Y/N)," She says as she finely gets it to work

"Eh, no problem," I say as I watch her

"How's Angalo doing, I hear she's almost out of school finally," The lady asks

"She's doing just fine," I say as I grab my items and pay.

Every year, this world becomes more like the real one. Luckily, weapons of mass destruction haven't been introduced, so a Sword is still very relevant for protection

I round the corner and see Dennis walking toward the store

"Hey, Dennis!" I say as he notices me

"(Y/N) what brings you here?" He asks

"Just buying some stuff for Angalo," I say as I smirk,"Soon enough you'll be doing this," I say as his face flushes red

"I'm joking with ya," I say as I lightly punch his shoulder

"What brings you out here?" I ask

"Just grabbing some meds for my ma," He says

"Ah, yes, she is ill if I remember correctly," I say as I think about it

"Yea, her condition hasn't improved yet," Dennis says with a sad face

"Come on, your mother is always so cheerful, I'm sure she'd smack you a good one to wipe that look off your face," I say

"Ya, your right," He mutters

"Well, cya," I say as I leave him

Angalo lived up to the bet. The next day after I taught her how to use lightning, she confessed to Dennis and he felt the same. Ever since then they have been dating.

I walk through the town greeting everyone until I reach the path to my house.

When I got into the house, Angalo was on top of me as soon as I shut the door

"Do you have it!" She asks stressed out

"Yes...I do," I mutter as she goes through the plastic bags from the store. She grabbed a bottle and then left for upstairs quickly

"Have fun with your Acne cream!" I yell as I tease her. A pimple popped up again on her face and she is rushing to put lotion on so others don't pop up.

"Shut up!" She yells heading into the bathroom

"Love you!" I say with the biggest smirk as I leave the house.

It's quiet nowadays. I'm sure that Angalo will be moving out soon. As for Karp and Kent. They already moved away. They went to the Capitol to search for some jobs.

That's one of the biggest downfalls of Kirito's reign over this land. Before, I had the impression that everyone had their own job to do and they were rewarded with a stable life...not anymore.

Much like the real world. There are differences in quality of life depending on how much money you have.

Karp and Kent didn't want to live off of me so they left to start their own lives. As such, once Angalo leaves, I'll be here all alone.

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