The final battle

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Instantly, the dwarves were dressed and ready to fight. That Thorin had actually lost the goldsickness, for so it seemed, that was a miracle.

Breaking down the great wall they'd built, the company of Thorin Oakenshield - minus Bilbo and Gandalf - charged outside. "Di bekâr! Khazad ai-menu!" They cried, slashing their swords through the orcs that ran to meet them.

"Aye, cousin, that took ye a while!" Dain cried out to Thorin, hammering down on another orc.

"Sorry cousin, I'd lost my senses. I'm all good now." He said, fighting his way towards Dain so they could greet eachother.

They hugged, smiling a little. Thorin's smile was genuine, though a little wry. He'd done many wrong because of the sickness, and hoped he lived long enough to make amends.

After a bit of fighting, he called Fili, Kili and Dwalin to him.

"This was will not stop if we don't cut the head of the snake.." He said grimly. They nodded.

"Alright laddie, we'll go with ye." Dwalin put his hand on the king's shoulder and gave him a smile.

Thus, Thorin, his nephews and his best friend rode off to find Azog the Defiler in Ravenhill.

Meanwhile, Thranduil was done with this war. He'd lost too many elves as it was already, and he would not go on. Gandalf approached him. "Thranduil, another army will come. Thorin must be warned or he will be overrun.."

"By all means warn him, but I'm going back. I've spent enough blood in defence of this accursed land." Thranduil snapped.

Gandalf looked shocked, but by no means Thranduil would help.

"I'll go."

Gandalf's head whipped the other way to find Bilbo standing there.

"I'll go and warn them." He said gravely, yet determined.

The old wizard shook his head. "No, they will see you and kill you. And even if you did, I wouldn't allow it."

Bilbo sighed and gave a sad smile. "I'm not asking you to allow it Gandalf.." With that, he ran off, putting on his ring as soon as he was out of sight, and taking off to where Thorin was.

Thorin had arrived at Ravenhill, but found it completely desolate. Frowning, they looked around. "Let's search the place! He must be here."

The four of them quietly went forth, looking into every corner in search of Azog. It angered Thorin that he'd hid himself, knowing that it was a trap, and had been all along.

A roar, a shout, and a groan, and Thorin lay flat on the ground. The orcs were here. He scrambled to his feet as Kili killed the orc who had knocked down his uncle.

The four dwarves charged, slashing and hacking through every orc and goblin in their way, shouting ancient battle cries. They eventually made it to the top, looking around as they stood upon a frozen lake.

Slowly, from two corners, Azog and Bolg made their way towards the company. With another shout of Thorin, they backed up in the middle, Kili and Dwalin facing Bolg and Thorin and Fili facing Azog.

Azog smirked, holding in his good hand a chain with a large rock attached to it.

Thorin could feel Fili's heart beat faster in nervousness and looked at him with a small and reassuring smile. However, he wasn't so sure.

He should never have taken his nephews. Yes, they were amongst the best fighters, but they had also been too young to come on this quest, let alone to risk their life for him.

At his back, he could feel Kili tremble as he assumed Bolg approached them. They were caught like flies in a trap. They had to kill the orcs, or get killed themselves.

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