Goh x Loomian Trainer Reader

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I'm not sure if you heard of Loomian Legacy, but it's an amazing game, though it is in development. It's like Pokemon, but it's got a mission to it. It's in Roblox. The game Loomian Legacy is created by Llama Train Studios. Llama Train Studios, you guys are the best.


"POLLUT CORP.!!" (Name) screamed. "COME BACK HERE!" She ran with her friends, Mable, Lucy, Lucas, and Jake.

"No chance," one of the guards said.

"Everyone! Lucy, Mabel, get on Trumbull!" (Name) told her female friends. "Jake, Lucas, get on any Ride Loomians! I'll be on Stratusaur!" They went on the Ride Loomians as they chased after the Pollut Corp truck.

They had met in Sepharite City. That was when they all learned about each other. Mabel had a sad life while growing up, and Lucy and Lucas supported her, Jake had looked for a way home, since he was from somewhere else, and (Name)... (Name) was on a mission... to find all shards of a tablet. Pollut Corp. was met with in there, too. The boss was... well... trouble. He would commit crimes just to accomplish things. He found a chunk of the ancient tablet (Name) was looking for, but he used it to corrupt a Loomian.

Now, (Name) couldn't just let Pollut Corp. get into another place and start it all over again. They snuck on their airship and ended up in Silvent City. The group of five weren't willing to let Pollut Corp. start it all over again. Not this time. Beautiful cities don't deserve to be ruined. Or any place, for that matter.

Finally, they lost track of the truck.

"Urgh..." (Name) growled angrily. She checked her Loomiwatch for the time. It was that time already?! "Guys, it's time..."

Earlier, (Name), Jake, Lucy, Lucas, and Mabel had volunteered to show tourists around the Roria region. The tourists were new to Loomians, but Rorians knew about Pokemon. Why? Many people from Roria went to study in different regions, meeting Pokemon! Because of (Name)'s medals(In here, you have 3 medals already), Lucy's, Lucas's, and Jake's strength, and Mabel's knowledge on Loomians(not sure if she actually has that, but oh, well), they agreed.

"Don't worry," Jake told his friend, "we'll take care of the tourists. You and Mabel follow Pollut Corp. Catch up with us later."

"All right," (Name) agreed, "we'll be back as soon as we can!" So (Name) and Mabel took off on Trumbull as the other three headed back to the city.


Professor Cerise was calling someone. A man and a woman. They were in a lab and labcoats.

"Ah, Cerise!" the man said. "What brings you to the call?"

"I wanted to see how my old friends are doing," Professor Cerise replied.

"If you want to know about our daughter, then she's totally fine," the woman answered.

"Her name is (Name) (Last name), correct?"

"Yup, that's the one. I watched her match in the Battle Theater gain her third medal!" Professor Cerise smiled. "So how is she doing?"

"Great! And I heard you have a daughter. Some juvenile research fellows, too." Mr. (Last name) told the Professor.

"Yes, their names are-"

"PROFESSOR CERISE!" a young man's voice boomed. He had a Pikachu up on his shoulder. Another young man followed the Pikachu's trainer. He had a Raboot with him. The two boys were obviously friends.

"Ah, Ash, Goh!" Professor Cerise exclaimed. "You're just in time."

"Just in time?" the male trainer with the Raboot asked. "For what?"

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