Guilt and Pain

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Rahul decided to chk his phn to distract himself....however all he could see was people bashing him.....India.....dada ....mahi......everybody

All were getting blamed just for him....Indian cricket was again being doubted......watevr Dada had built brick by brick was getting shattered......all bcoz of his one stupid decision......if Dada was the captain nothing as such would have happened.......Dada would have taken care of everything........and Rahul was starting to get panicky as his mind kept on circling around Dada.

Rahul could feel his body getting tired.....he was shaking terribly.....and his legs were giving up. He somehow stood up and moved out of his room and started hammering d first door that he could reach. Those urgent hammerings made the occupant of the room open the door hurriedly.

As soon as the door opened, Rahul fell forward not able to stand on his feet anymore and kept repeating delirium, words not getting formed properly

D man standing in front was shocked....he could just hold Rahul in his arms and managed to drag him inside. As he kept on shaking, Rahul felt some warmth around him....he just opened his eyes and looked at d man and started getting all worked up.

It's ok it's ok just calm down..... It's will pass.........said the other man as he kept hugging Rahul close to him.

Rahul looked lyk he would cry hearing the warmth in his voice and tried saying something...D...dada

'Shannt shhhh......shhhhh.....shh.....m here only...shannt', Dada kept hugging Rahul as Rahul pushed his head into dada's chest

Dada had been terribly upset with Captain Rahul but nothing could reduce his love for his Jammy. And wen his Jammy looks so much broken how can Dada not comfort him. Rahul kept on muttering stuff as dada carried and dragged him to d bed. He knew about Rahul panicking in bad situations but dis was d 1st tym he had seen Rahul getting fits. On the other hand, Rahul had calmed down in d presence of dada and had fallen unconscious.

Dada called in their physio who came and checked Rahul.....

Physio: it's ok dada, it's just emotional stress he will recover once he's up....just feed him something

Dada sat beside Rahul caressing his hair....he mayb upset with Captain Rahul but d person lying beside him was his Jammy.....Dada couldn't help but feel guilty remembering Jammy's state, 'It's all my fault.....I shouldn't have been angry.....for me Sach and jumbo stopped talking to him..... he's affected badly coz of me....wat a shitty friend I have become'

Dada continued his guilt Rahul started gaining consciousness

What will happen now?? Will Dada confront Rahul?? Will it be ok between dem??

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