All's Well

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Dada had caught onto Jammy's half sentence

Dada: Wat do u mean by u didn't?

Jammy didn't want to tell dada d truth and so he kept looking down as dada always could see r8 thr him

Dada sighed, 'For god's sake Jam stop staring at ur stupid slippers and tell me wat d truth is...or I m.....'

Jammy looked up, startled dat dada will leave again and he knew he had no other way so.......

He started his tale......Of how Greg had told him abt dada ignoring him, 'I don't mean to say u did, it's just dat it somehow got into my head. I swear I just knew it was d letter of telling u r physically unfit, I didn't Kno d rest part. I swear on Samit, I didn't read d letter....I had just signed it.'

And he broke down once again

Dada just stood there feeling extremely angry on this stupid person standing in front of him, 'Who signs without reading? Apparently Jammy does.....'

But how could dada remain angry on his Jammy who kept on repeating sorry, I love u, I will do watevr u want don't b angry, I will resign if u want me to and leave cricket forever and was starting to get worked up again.

Dada just moved forward and hugged jammy who though was shocked hugged dada back as tears trickled down his eyes. Dada kept patting his head with occasional it's ok....and as he mentally prepared to teach Greg a lesson

As Rahul calmed down dada just shook his head at him and said, 'I have seen many idiot people but not as much as u.'

Rahul just frowned at dada and sighed

Dada: Now stop looking lyk a wet napkin and come let's go to Sach

Rahul stubbornly replied, 'Nahi mujhe nahi jaana woh gussa hai.'

' If u have forgotten u promised me u will do anything I ask u to', said Dada with a smirk

Rahul didn't Kno wat to retort and started following dada, his one half knowing Dada will use this to trouble him always which made him happy, while the other half still scared of expecting Dada to be as close to him as before.

As Sach opened d door at 2 in d morning he was shocked to find his 2 friends standing at d door. As Sach raised his brows at dada. Dada told him to call anil as he will explain everything together. As anil came and dada narrated wat had actually happened with a Rahul who kept holding dada's hand fearing he might go away again.

Sach and Anil started feeling guilty as well but dada winked at dem as not to be sad.

Sach: So officially u have lost d r8 to call us an idiot

Anil: Coz he's a bigger idiot

And dey both pushed dada away and hugged d life out of jammy

Who couldn't feel any less happy

Sach parted from Rahul and said, 'Rahul m sry, I kno it was wrong on our parts.......'Anil cut him off, 'We r not trying to say that our anger on u was justified but it's just dat we were terribly upset....we couldn't expect u would do something lyk dat.' And as Sachin tried to say something again, Rahul said, 'Don't say sry.....I was stupid to listen to dat Greg.' As Dada saw everybody getting upset he said, 'So finally u accept u r stupid.' And Jammy even felt happy at being called stupid by Dada today, as Sachin started howling how everyone was cutting him off.

So he just rushed to hug Jammy as Jumbo and Sourav joined d hug as well.

Is everything really well or is it not?? R Rahul and Dada really back to being the best of friends that they were?? Is their family again strong as before???

Many questions lie....will they be answered???

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