All's not Well

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Dada and Jam had patcheed-up....tho Jammy still acts a bit clingy to Dada these days and is still sometyms delusioned that his friends will leave him. However Dada makes it a point to always stick to Jammy and make him forget that phase ignoring his hurt as well. 

Tho Dada still feels hurt over the betrayal but somehow his conscience doesn't allow him to be upset or angry with Rahul. He just wishes one day everything will get normal tho he didn't kno how and wen........

And one such day, they were randomly sitting together...

As Dada had just sucessfully pranked Rahul... by bursting a ballon of juice on him. So Jammy sulked and went to change the dress. As he came back...Dada was still laughing hard. Jammy shakes his head trying to glare... but fails miserably and started smiling... saying...  'I will get back dadi.....'

Dada: God... I missed this a looottttt

Rahul: Dadii.... I... (Started hesitantly)

Dada: I'm not angry Jam.... Honestly... I'm not.... I only blame one man now...

Jammy: That idiotic git

Dada raised his eyebrow and with a pride-laden voice goes, 'GOOD Improvemt Jam'

Jammy: Shut up... smiling a little and embarrassed a little

'U kno Jam...I missed all of you a lot but more than anything I missed my kids. There are people in the state team also but they are too polite, way too formal, star-struck- not people who are trying to climb on you day in and day out, always pushing their heads into ur chest just bcoz they are bored.', said Dada chuckling.

'It's mostly their nonsense that I have missed.... Suprising to see... How imp they have become in our lifes.....Without them... it feels boring, tiring.... I don't know....' (Trying to find a word)

As Dada struggled to find a word to describe his feeling Rahul added, 'Lifeless....I kno how it feels', taking a deep breath. Dada frowned at Rahul's tone as he asked, 'What do u mean? They were with you only, r8?' Rahul just gave a humorless laugh, 'Physically...yeah, but I don't remember the last time dey snuggled to me or hugged me or even spoke to me properly. U kno they probably hate me now.' 

Rahul poured his heart out to his friend, coz he knew he could share it only with him. Dada just brushed it off, 'U kno u r talking rubbish? These kids...they hate Jammy.' As Dada tried convincing Jammy of kids not hating him, Rahul said with finality in his voice, 'It's ok Dadi...I have accepted it and got used to it also...though it hurts a bit.' He pauses a little and just diverts the topic, 'Chalo chalo...I think dinner is here.' Dada didn't press d matter and talked about random things.

Why does Rahul Bhai feel the kids hate him?? Will Dada be able to convince him oderws??? Wat will happen???

I kno its a short chapter but I felt lyk updating, so here it goes!!!

Tanzi18 Ruchika111222 Dhoni_7_Prabhas Mahiro457 SakthiSri6

PARIMALA020, our personal mahi bhai

Thank u for ur precious comments

siri_reddy I dont have words for her.....

DreamerTani she is d calmest yet the craziest...thanks for hearing all my stupid ideas and editing dem🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈

Extremely sry if i missed somebody😌😌😌😌

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