They walked on in utter silence after the gunshot. Florence felt nauseous thinking about what Winston had just done, and close to tears thinking about how he was really gone.
No one spoke as they set up camp for the night; lighting a fire, putting out sleeping bags, distributing the little water they had left was all done in silence. But finally, when they were all sat around the flickering flames of the fire, Minho broke the silence.
"I thought we were supposed to be immune."
What a way to improve the mood.
Florence shifted so her head was resting on the boy's shoulder, her eyes lazily focusing on the fire, watching as Aris dropped a log onto the flames and sent sparks up into the dark air.
"Not all of us," Teresa spoke suddenly, before adding, "I guess."
"If Winston can get infected, we should assume that so can the rest of us."
Florence glanced at Newt through the flames, letting his words sink in. It was the best assumption to make, and they didn't have to change much of how they were living, after all coming into contact with a Crank was an experience they were already trying to avoid.
"I never thought I'd say it," Frypan's eyes were firmly on the fire, the orange glow lighting his face enough for Florence to see the tear tracks on his cheeks. "But, I miss the Glade."
No one responded to his words. Florence lifted her head from Minho, shuffling closer to the upset boy and pulling him into a half hug. He returned it gratefully, sniffling a little as he rested his head on her shoulder.
He had just lost his best friend.
Back in the Glade, nothing was perfect - obviously - but they knew they were safe inside there; before Thomas came at least. They knew what they were supposed to do. Out here in the Scorch, they knew nothing at all.
The next day was just spent walking. Again, barely anyone spoke, thoughts of Winston circling everyone's minds and preventing them from thinking of anything else.
They didn't stop until they reached the flat land stretching out towards the mountains. As close as it had seemed back in the city, it seemed like it was even further away now.
Everyone had crawled into their sleeping bags without a second glance, and even Florence found herself needing to curl up under some blankets to get some proper rest. She couldn't remember the last time she had a good night's sleep.
Florence sat up from the ground, turning to where Thomas was keeping watch over the sleeping group. She wasn't sure what woke her in particular, but something had, and she shifted away from Minho's arms to sit down beside her brother.
"Hey." He replied, his voice quiet, clearly deep in thought.
"What's up?" She nudged his shoulder with her own, but she wasn't able to shake him out of where he was stuck in his head.
"Teresa." He finally said. All of the things he might have said, Florence was not expecting that.
"Teresa?" She questioned, her voice high with confused interest. He shot her a look that told her it wasn't in that way, Thomas wasn't really into girls anyway, and proceeded to tell her the real reason.
"She got her memories back too."
Florence couldn't even pretend to be surprised. She had a sneaking suspicion in the back of her mind, but the girl acting so oddly recently really threw her for a loop; especially as the only memories she had gotten from before the Maze with the others were good ones.
𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗦𝗦, minho (tmr)
Fanfictionin which the first girl in the glade runs for her life and bumps into a runner who gives her a nickname.