Chapter 2

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"Yes Miss Oralie?"

"Is there any particular reason that you have dirt smudged all over your tunic?"

"Why Mademoiselle Oralie, I'm sure I simply have no idea what you're talking about."

He didn't want Oralie to know that he had been outside. He had a schedule and he wasn't allowed to stray from it. It was easier to play dumb than to say 'actually Oralie, funny story. I completely disregarded my father's, the kings, orders! Which is basically treason if you really want to stretch it, and dear old daddy always does!'

A gentle rapping came at the door and Oralie opened it.

"The king has asked to see the prince...again."

Oralie looked at Keefe.

"Give us one moment, sir."

After she closed the door she turned back towards Keefe.


"Neiti Oralie, there's nothing to-"

Oralie led him over to a chair in the small class room and sat him down before crouching in front of him.

"I know that your father isn't the kindest person in the world-"

"You can say that again."

"But, you have to respect him. If nothing else at least don't run away when he calls for you" She took a pointed glance down at his tunic. "Or go outside when you're not meant to. You turn 16 in 4 months and then you'll be the one to take over the country. You must be responsible."

"I'm too young to rule, my father is in perfect health and so is my mother. There's no point."

"Keefe, your father has ruled Eternalia for 200 years. We need a new, responsible, leader. That leader is you and the responsibility starts with going to talk to your father. Now, what are you going to go do when you leave this room?"

"I'm guessing that run away into the gardens isn't the right answer."

Oralie gave a small laugh.

"No, it's not." She stood up from her crouch and Keefe followed as she walked to the door. "Go on now, you know what you need to do."

Keefe walked out the door and almost considered running right back to Dex's house, but he decided to put up with his father just this once.

He dragged his feet as he walked to the King's study at the end of the hall. He knocked gently, honestly hoping it would be so quiet his father wouldn't hear it.

A sharp voice came from inside, "The door is unlocked."

As Keefe walked into the large, almost disturbingly pristine, room, his dad gestured for him to sit without even a glance up.

"I have some great news, Keefe." He said it without the slightest trace of a smile on his face.

"You're moving to Ravagog?"

"No." He snarled. "I've found you a wife, as you didn't seem to want to choose one, yourself."

Keefe stood and slammed his hands down on the table. "But you only gave me a month! Please, Dad, just give me one more I promise I'll find one myself-"

"No!" His father stood up to match him. "I gave you all the time you needed and my word is final."

He slowly sat down and smoothed his hair, even though there wasn't even one hair out of place.

"Her name is Sophie Foster, she has a slightly complicated past but what matters is that she's a noble by blood, if not by name."

Keefe sat down, defeated. "What's she like?"

"Pretty enough, you'll have good children."

"That's not what I asked."

"You'll meet her in 2 weeks. Now, get out of my sight."

Keefe walked out and slammed the door behind him, hoping that just maybe something fell off his stupidly perfect desk. 


A/N: shorter chapter this time, I'm gonna try to get the next one out in around a week or less if I can manage :)

Royal Screw-Ups: a Keefex Story [Pre-Unlocked]Where stories live. Discover now