Chapter 5

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Keefe and Sophie walked through the gardens. Not the Queen's Gardens, that place was just for him and his friends. Unfortunately, walking on the main lawn meant they had to act like they enjoyed each other's company. It's not like they didn't, but there was a big difference between 'we just met each other and don't know each other at all' and 'we are totally in love! Yep! Definitely down for getting married!'

"So," Keefe said after they were a decent length away from any visible guards or servants. "How'd you get looped into this mess?"

"You should really be asking your father that question. All I know is that we got a letter from the king saying I would marry you. You don't say no to a king." Her emotions were still spilling off of her. A lot of disappointment there.

She attempted to kick a rock in frustration, but it seemed a bit sturdier than she expected.

"OW!" Sophie exclaimed, stopping in her tracks and squinching her face in a way that clearly said she was in immense pain.

"Oh gosh are you ok? Do you need to go to the infirmary?"

"No, no, I'm fine, don't worry."

" sure?"

"Mhm" she mumbled, her face still tight.


Yeah she definitely needed a doctor. Keefe subtly guided them back in the direction of the castle to get her to Elwin. She carried on the conversation despite the obvious pain she was in.

"So, what do you like to do?"

"Well, art mostly, I guess. I like to paint and stuff. You?"

"Ugh, I train to much to have hobbies."

"Train? For what?"

A wash of panic came over her.

"N-nothing. I've said too much."

They both went silent but it was hard to ignore the fact that she was walking with a limp. Keefe then got a, somewhat evil, idea.

"If you tell me whatever your dark secret is then I won't take you to the infirmary, pinky promise."

She thought about it for a second.

"No. Just take me to the infirmary then."

"That serious, huh? Alrighty then, it's right this way"


"Ah, nothing to worry about Miss. Just a simple broken toe. We can't really do much about it, just go easy and let it heal"

Sophie didn't seem too happy about that assessment, the emotions really spiked at the 'go easy' part.

Elwin took off his glasses as he stepped away from where Sophie was sitting on the patient bed.

"My assistant will be with you in just a moment. She'll get you the elixirs you need to promote the healing process."

"Thank you, Elwin." Keefe said for Sophie, as she seemed to be frozen.

"No problemo."

Elwin then walked out of the infirmary wing to do whatever Elwin did when he wasn't in the infirmary wing.

"So..." Keefe started, perching on the bedframe. "Why're you so intense? Like...all the time."


"Yeah, your emotions. I can feel them from here. My father said something about you having a complicated past and he really wasn't kidding, apparently."

"It's...hard to explain." She seemed to think for a second. "If...if I tell you, do you promise to not tell anyone? At all."

"I won't tell anyone, I promise."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure I'm sure that I'm sure I'm sure."

Sophie giggled. "Okay, fine."

She suddenly got more solemn. "It uh...well it has to do with my mom, and my dad I guess but I don't know him."

Keefe motioned her to go on.

"You know the Black Swan?"

"No shit. I can't say I'm a fan after they're attempted take over of the government."

"Yeah," Sophie said, looking down. She felt embarrassed. "I have the pleasure of being one of their experiments. I can't disclose much else."

Keefe didn't know how to respond to that. The Black Swan's intentions were good, but you don't just storm into a castle with a 5 year old boy in it. That wasn't a fun day.

"Did someone say elixir delivery?"

"They did not"

"Eh, I tried." Elwin's assistant, and Fitz's little sister, appeared before them. Keefe was used to it but Sophie nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Biana, you shouldn't sneak up on people like that...unless it's Fitz, because then it's hilarious."

"Ok, ok, I won't"

As the dark skinned girl held out a small tray of various elixirs to Sophie, the blonde girl's face flushed.

"Thank you,"

Biana smiled.

"Oh, nearly forgot. Take the blue one with food..."

As she explained how to take each of the elixirs, Keefe zoned out. He could feel Sophie's flustered-ness from where he sat. That explained her husband disgust.

Just then, a servant came scurrying in.

"The king as requested to see both Prince Keefe and Lady Sophie immediately. They have settled your wedding date."


As they walked into the throne room, they saw an array of different reactions. Cassius had a sinister smile on his face, Lord Ruewen seemed to be fuming and Lady Ruewen had a glare that could kill a man.

"Keefe, I am happy to inform you that the wedding will take place in 3 months and the coronation the month after."


"Yes, coronation. You will take my place as king. As was always planned"


A/N: Next chapter is a fun one, well for me anyway. For you...we'll see ;)))

Royal Screw-Ups: a Keefex Story [Pre-Unlocked]Where stories live. Discover now