Broken promise..

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Sorry for the delay friends... please do read the previous chapter to get the flow...lets move to the chapter..

Pragya panicked and takes her mobile and dials abhi....but it went unanswered...Disha tries to calm her crying friend...

Disha tries to calm her crying friend

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Di: pragu .... please don't cry.... nothing will happen to him...he will be fine...

Pr: no is not fine...I can feel that...

Saying she cries hugging Disha

Disha tries purab's Mobile but it is switched off...

After sometime Disha who can't bear pragya's continuous sobs tells

Di: please don't cry... come we will go and check in their house...

Pragya hurriedly gets up

Pr: come come

Di: first you stop crying  otherwise I will not take you there

Pragya hurriedly wipes her face and says

Pr: see,...I am not crying now... please make me to meet Jaan..
Disha sighs and says ," come"

In car,

Di: please don't cry pragu

Pr: something wrong is happening with Jaan..

Di: he will be fine...he

Before she could complete pragya's mobile ringed..

Pr: it's purab bhai...

Saying she connects it to the car..she attends the call

Pr: hello purab Bhai....where are you.... how is Jaan

Nurse: hello mam..I am a nurse....I am calling from city hospital..

Pragya and Disha got stunned hearing this

Di: hello sister... how is Purab...

Nu: mam... please hear me without panicking , purab sir said me to inform pragya mam that abhi sir met with an accident and now is in ICU..

Pragya's breathe got hitched in her throat hearing that...she felt hard to breathe....

Disha rubbed pragya's back to even her breathing .....

Di: pragya.... samalo kudko...

Then she started the car....

In hospital..

Pragya and Disha rushed to purab who is crying silently Infront of ICU..

On seeing Disha,he went near her and hugged her tightly...

Pragya slowly walked towards the door and sees abhi through the glass..

Her heart broke seeing him in that state..she closes her mouth with her palms and started to sob loudly...Disha and purab went near her to console her but before they could say anything , doctor came out...

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