caught red handed

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Pragya's pov;
     I know abhi....that you can never cheat me... cheating is far can never hurt me...i don't know why all are saying bad about you...even though i trust you more than me,i am scared that whether i will believe their words....i am sorry abhi...

Here Disha goes to Dreamworld restaurant and sees abhi feeding Tanu

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Here Disha goes to Dreamworld restaurant and sees abhi feeding Tanu...

Disha's blood boils seeing that...she moves near them and sits on the chair

Abhi and Tanu are shocked to see her...

Dis: what happened? Why are both shocked? Is this place for someone else...

Tan: Disha

Di: actually abhi where is pragya...did she went to washroom...

Ab: didn't come

Di: i know that.... don't you feel ashamed to do like this abhi

Ab: what are you talking about Disha

Di: don't act abhi...i am not pragya to believe you more than my eyes.... how can you cheat her  abhi... for god sake you are her husband...

Ab: stop it and Tanu are just friends...

Di: seriously....


Di: then why did you lie to pragya that you are going to meet your parents.. because you cheat you are a cheap person

Abhi holds disha's hand and says

Ab: stay in your limits...why are you making this as a big deal..what can you do...are you going to say this to you think that she will believe you...

Disha wriggles his hold and with teary eyes she says

Disha wriggles his hold and with teary eyes she says

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Di: you are a saddist are taking advantage of her trust..that fool girl is not believing me...wait for the day when i get one solid proof against you ,that day pragya will slap on your face ...not only she even this society will spit on you both....

Saying she went from there crying...

Night Disha calls pragya and says abhi didn't went to meet his parents..

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