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Ab: standing Infront of the mirror and scolding I right..

Pr: you are wrong ...I was just

Ab: just what

Pr: just...... before that you do onething.... shift your things to my vanity , because you are always here..

Ab: idea is good

Pragya rolls her eyes

Ab: know right already the press people are watching us with their eagle eyes ,if I come here then we will be the hot topic

Pr: so stop coming here

Ab: I will try ..... now shall we go for practice...

Pr: I will change and come... you go

Ab: I will wait for you

Saying he sits on the couch and takes her mobile...

Pragya murmurs ," don't even have manners"

Ab: same password right?

Pr: I am not like others to change ..

Saying she goes to change...

Abhi confusedly says," what did I ask? What is she saying?"

Then he types," JAAN" ,he smiles as the screen opens..

Ab: she didn't even change the wallpaper..

Ab: she didn't even change the wallpaper

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abhi sees pragya's gallery and smiles..

Abhi calls out loudly for pragya

Ab: pragya.... pragya

Pragya came near him with a comb in her hand and asks

Pr: why are you shouting...

Ab: who is this girl

Saying he shows the  mobile to her..

Pragya's mood brightens seeing that pic,she excitedly says

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Pragya's mood brightens seeing that pic,she excitedly says

Pr: she is my little fan...

Pragya sits near him and says

Pr: you know abhi...she was so adorable...she was  soooo cute...

Ab: not more than you..

Pr mutters," flirt"..

Abhi chuckles hearing her....

Abhi cheekily asks ," what is wrong in flirting with my wife"

Pragya looks at him shocked....

Pr: you are mad

Ab:on you

Pragya sighs and whines," stop it abhi"

Ab: who is this

Seeing that pic pragya says

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Seeing that pic pragya says

Pr: she acted with me in my first film...she is my good friend..

Abhi stares at her pic and says

Ab: not bad

Pragya frowns and hits him on his stomach with her elbow...he winced in pain..

Ab: what....she is just okay okay but you are very pretty...

Pragya glares at him and continues to brush her hair...

Abhi casually says

Ab: I am forwarding some of your pics to me..

Pr: no..

Ab: I am not asking, just informing...

Saying he forwarded some pics.. Pragya frowns and asks

Pr: shall we go...

Ab: yes

Then they both went for practice...

During practice,both had many akward moments...but both enjoyed the practice...

After practice pragya returned home smiling....

Dida and Disha are confused seeing her smile...

Dis: why is she smiling like this..

Did: this smile is because of abhi..

Dis: what...I will go and speak to her now itself..

Did: calm down Disha...if pragya is willing to forgive him ,then let her these 3 years our pragya is living a dead life...

Dis: but dida...that abhi is a cheat..

Did: that same abhi is her Jaan..

Disha looks defeated..

Dis: fine...I will not interfere in their lives but if that idiot break her heart again then I will kill him and go to jail...this is my promise dida...

Dida with a naughty smile asks

Did: Acha...then Purab..

Dis: dida,I think pragya is calling me..

Saying she escapes from there..


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