Chapter Two - Someone In The Shadows

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 They jolted me awake when something cold and wet splashed against my face and the top half of my body was soaking wet. I was shaking like crazy. As I spat out the little water, I almost choked on. I instinctively tried to move, only to realize they tied me to a chair. I looked around through my somewhat blurred vision and saw tall figures coming towards me. At least four. They started talking in a language I did not understand. Maybe Russian, but I couldn't tell for sure. The dark figures began shouting at me, demanding something, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the hell they were saying.

"Looks just like her mother, doesn't she?" One of tall dark shadows spoke in their language and then I heard the others speaking too, almost sounding like they were agreeing with whatever the first one said. .

"Who are you!?" I got out through my whimpers. The room I was in was dark with one light above me that was constantly flickering, adding to my already tough time trying to see my captors. None of them answered me as they continued to discuss things with each other in their language. "Please! Just let me go!" I tried again, louder. "HELP!" I screamed, hoping maybe someone outside might hear me.

"SHUT UP!" One of the tall men yelled, coming towards me, holding a knife at my throat. Apparently they could speak English. "You can scream all you want, no one's going to hear you. We're hundreds of feet underground." He informed me. I gasped at the thought. Wishing more than ever I just stayed home, or stayed inside at the party, at-least hundreds of people surrounded me.

"What do you want from me!?" I cried, I had never felt so scared in my life more than I did now.

"Where is it?" Another man demanded, coming forward from the shadows.

"W-where's what?" I asked, my voice filled with confusion, mixed in with all the tears coming down my face. I didn't have the slightest clue on why they wanted me, or what they were looking for, and I had a feeling if I couldn't provide the answer they were seeking, they will most likely kill me.

"Where's the Tesseract?"

"The Tesseract?" I repeated, still just as confused. The man that first spoke to me, came towards me and slapped me across the face. I groaned in pain as the left side of my cheek felt like it was on fire now. "I don't know what your talking about!" I told them, but they didn't look convinced.

"Lies! Howard Stark had the Tesseract in his possession. What did he do with it!? Your a Stark!" Howard Stark? That was my dad's father, my grandfather. I never knew my grandparents, they died before I was even born. My dad didn't speak much about his parent to me or his childhood.

"I know nothing! Please, I'm telling the truth. I have never heard of the Tesseract! Just let me go!" I begged. They hit me with another splash of freezing cold water, choking and coughing on it once more. I was still coughing when one other came towards me and tasered me, sending a wave of pain through my body, causing me to scream for a short time before it was over.

"Your not going anywhere! Not until you tell us what we want to know!" The first one that spoke to me in the beginning said. His voice was so deep, which worked in his case because his threats only sounded that much more terrifying than the others.

"I already told you, I don't know!" I realized now why my dad was so quick to tell me to take my bodyguards with me whenever I left the house. He was always worried something like this was going to happen. They repeated dumping water and tasering me again. They really thought I must know where this Tesseract thing is. I didn't even know what this object looked like. I never heard my father speak of it, or come across it in his office or lab, not that I ever rummaged through my dad's paper work. If I ever even attempted that, I'm sure J.A.R.V.I.S. would have ratted me out the minute it happened.

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