~Chapter Five~The Stranger

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I looked up to see who I ran into. He was tall, with slicked back raven hair. He wore a dress shirt, tie, a scarf that hung down in the front and a long overcoat. "Are you okay?" He asked me in his accent. It was an English accent. He reached his hand out for me to take it. I was silent at first, looking behind me to see if Jason was still following me and looked back up at this person. I extended my hand to him, and he pulled me up.

"T-thank you. I'm sorry, I should really watch where I'm going." I mumbled, wondering if I've seen him before, but I couldn't be sure. It definitely wasn't from school. I've never seen him here in the halls at all, and students here didn't dress the way he was. Maybe a college student?

"It's okay. You seem to be a little out of sorts. What were you running from?" He asked, his voice sounding genuine.

"Nothing... it's just been a strange day." I admitted, not sure why I was being so honest with him. I mean, I'm not completely being honest with him, but at the very least it has been a strange day. I didn't even know who he was, and I'm sure he wasn't that eager to listen to the ramblings of a teenage girl.

"So, you weren't running into the woods to get away from that boy that was attacking you?" He challenged. Great, he must have noticed my hesitation when I said it was nothing.

"You saw that?" I asked, sounding shock. Now it made me wonder what else he saw.

"I did." He confessed before continuing. "I also saw what you did to him." I swallowed, now it worried me. Just play stupid Maeve and get out there. The voice in my head hissed at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, awkwardly laughing, looking around without trying to make it too obvious to see if anyone else was around, but it was just the two of us. I watched as a tiny smirk formed from the corner of his mouth.

"I think you know what I mean. I saw you throw that boy off of you with your mind."

I took a step back. "Your one of them, aren't you?" I whispered. He had to be one of the guy's that took me captive on Halloween night.

"One of who?" He questioned, still looking at me with curiosity. Now was he playing stupid now? Or did he really not know what I was talking about and actually just saw me?

"Who are you?" I demanded, still backing up slowly.

"I can help you."

"Help me with what?"

"To control your power."

"Power? What power? I don't have any powers. Okay, he was thrown off of me, but it wasn't by me. I can't explain it." I freaked, this was getting way too much. What was going on?

"I know your confused but it will all make sense. Just let me help you." The stranger implored. He was right, it confused me. None of this made any sense. And why? Why did he want to help me? A complete stranger. This felt like too much of a coincidence, him showing up here out of nowhere, seeing what I apparently could do. He had to be one of the men that abducted me. I never saw all of them, only the two that constantly threatened and hit me and the doctor.

He took a step towards me, reaching out his hand like he was going to grab mine and I went to back up again and my foot got caught in a root and I fell on my back with a shriek. "Stay away from me!"

"I will not hurt you." He said his voice was calm. Too calm. I got up from the ground and ran back the way I came and stopped at the edge of the forest and looked back and saw he hadn't moved. "Come back here, when your ready. My offer still stands if you want help to control it." He told me. I looked at the ground for a sec and back to where the tall, dark-haired guy was standing and when I looked up, he wasn't there. I looked around everywhere. Where did he go? And how did he just disappear without crunching leaves and branches?

This was just too much. What the hell just happened? I had to get out of here. I reached in my back pocket and dialed Hogan's number.

"Hello" The voice answered.

"Hogan, I need you to come pick me up from school." I told him.

"Now? But your not finished till three?" He questioned.

"Now!" I yelled.

"Be there in fifteen minutes."

I ended the call and looked at my screen. I had texts from Chloe, Danielle, and Beth. All wondering what happened to me? If I got lost. I couldn't deal with them now. I walked to the front of the school. Waiting around anxiously for Hogan to show up. I even got to where I was tapping my foot. Time seemed to take forever.

Finally. The limo pulled up. I ran to the back door and climbed in, slamming the door. "Everything alright, Miss Stark? You seem on edge?" Hogan asked, starting to drive away.

"It's Maeve, Hogan and I just want to go home." I told him. I watched him in the rear-view mirror and saw him furrow his brows. I slumped in my seat, I wrapped my arms around me. The entire drive home, I couldn't stop thinking about the dark-haired stranger. Who was he? And what made him think he could help me? What did he know, that he wasn't telling me?

The limo came to a stop in front of the house. I pushed open my door and closed it. Not even bothering to say my goodbyes to Hogan. I just wanted to get inside where it was safe. Shit, I left my bag at school with the house keys in it. Hogan was just leaving the driveway. I didn't want to go back to school right now. Thankfully, I knew where my dad hid the spare. I went around the house to the back, walked passed the pool. It was the sixth tile away from the pool and I lift it up and opened the box inside and grabbed the key and opened the back side door and put the key back in its hidden spot and I went inside.

My dad wasn't home. Probably a good thing. I didn't feel like explaining why I came home early today. I went to the fridge; I was starving, and I pulled out last night's leftovers, Chinese food. I made myself a plate and put it in the microwave for a minute and twenty seconds. I heard the beep and took it, grabbing a fork and sat at the table, trying to take my mind off everything that just happened today.

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