~Chapter Seven~Triggers

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 I followed Loki through the forest. I wasn't exactly sure where we were going. A sane person would have never agreed to this, but then again, I wasn't completely sane. If I was going to get answers, this seemed like my best chance. I mean, for all I know, this Loki guy could be a psycho murderer, but it seemed unlikely. I mean, who would go through this much trouble only to kill me when he had so many opportunities the other day.

"Where exactly are we going, that we couldn't drive?" I asked, catching up beside him.

"It's not that far. Were almost there." Loki informed me. We were nearing the end of the forest and it didn't take me long to realize where we were. We were near the old industrial area. Most of these buildings had been vacant for years since they moved. We were out of the bushes and walking alongside the fence until there was an opening.

"Are you sure were allowed to be here?" I questioned, taking notice of the 'No Trespassing' sign.

"Of course we are. No one's supervising the area." Loki informed as we walked along the side of the building. He opened up the door and motioned with his hand for me to go first. I glanced around the area. There were no windows anywhere, except for a few up high. The lighting was the best, but at-least you could see.

"Do you live here?" Great, he was squatter. Though he seemed to well dressed to be homeless and he didn't appear to be on drugs.

"No." He replied laughing. "I just thought it was a good out of the way place where no one would see us." He had a point. No one would find us in here. "Are you ready?"

I nodded my head. Loki pulled something out from behind his back. It was one of my books from school" How did you get that? That was in my bag?" I asked, seeing as my bag was attached to me and Loki walked in front of me the entire way here.

"I told you. I have abilities too. Now Move this." He told me as he placed the book in the middle of the floor. Loki moved out of the way and stood near me. I looked at the object. Nothing was happening. I squinted my eyes. Nothing still happened. "Move it." Loki said again, with a little more aggression this time.

"I'm trying. It's not working." I pressed, starting to get frustrated. I even tried waving my hand towards it and nothing.

"No, your not!" Loki shouted and pulled out a dagger. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What are you doing?" I panicked.

"Cutting my loses." He hissed, coming towards me. "Unless you can knock it out of my hand." He challenged. I backed away.

"Are you mad?!" I freaked, taking another step back

"Possibly." He admitted still coming towards me.

"Okay, just hang on a minute."

"You think the men that took you are going to give you a minute when they find you again?! You need to figure it out now!" Loki continued to shout. I felt myself stop when I felt the concrete wall. Great, not only did he have a dagger pointed at me, but now I was trapped. I could feel my heart beginning to race. Was he really going to stab me? If he does, I got no one to blame but myself. I was the one who trusted the psychopath. "Better do something fast or your dead." He taunted, bringing me out of my daze.

I tried squinting my eyes again, screaming at my brain to get with it. Loki came right up to me. He pushed me back into the wall and held his dagger at my throat, and that's when he went flying backwards across the room into the wall and he fell to the ground. I gasped when he slammed into the wall.

"That's more like it." Loki praised, getting up from the ground and looking at my startled face. "Next time, don't let your emotions get in the way. Will your power through you."

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to throw you into the wall. I thought you were going to kill me." I insisted, stepping away from the wall.

Loki chuckled as he came closer to me. "If I was really going to kill you, you wouldn't have seen it coming. Trust me." His words made my hairs on the back of my neck stick up, but I wasn't scared. "You ready to try again?"

I came over and looked at my book that was still sitting in the middle of the room. I looked right at it, putting all my focus into it. I saw the object starting to shake as I tried to lift it up in the air. "Focus," I suddenly felt my right arm being lifted. Loki was standing right behind me. "control the power flowing through you." As my hand lifted, so did the book. I couldn't believe it.

"Oh my gosh, I did it!" I squealed, and the book fell back to the ground from my excitement. I turned and looked at Loki. He smiled at me.

"It's a start, but you still have a lot to learn." Loki insisted. I was about to say something when my phone started going off in my bag.

"Oh, shit." I mumbled to myself. I had no idea it had gotten so late. It was already seven-thirty. My dad was calling, and I answered. "Hello."

"Hi Kiddo, when are you coming home? Its getting kinda late." Dad asked.

"Yeah, sorry dad yearbook club ran later than I thought, but were finished now." I quickly said, and I didn't miss the look Loki was giving me.

"Good, I'll send Hogan to come get you. He'll be there in fifteen."

I ended the call. "I am so sorry. I have to go." I said, grabbing my book off the ground and putting it in my bag.

"Does your father always believe what you tell him?" Loki asked.

"Sometimes. Why?"

"Oh, its just I don't know if you've realize how bad of a liar you are." Loki admitted.

"Well, he'll realize I'm a liar if I don't get back to the school before Hogan shows up."

"Than I guess we better get you back."

We left the building. The sun was just disappearing. I ran towards the bushes where we had come from to get to the industrial area. Loki ran beside me and we stopped by side of the school. "So, shall we continue your teaching tomorrow?" Loki inquired.

"Yes, I would like that. Where should I meet you?"

"Meet me at the building. I'll be there, same time. Maybe we can work on making you a better liar." I laughed at that. I turned when I heard a car honk. It was the limo. Loki was still hiding in the shadows.

"Do you want a ride home? Or somewhere?" I offered.

"No. I can walk from here." He told me. "I'll see you tomorrow." Loki started leaving, and I ran over to the limo and got in and Hogan drove away to take me home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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