Wamuu - Forehead Kisses

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Requested by Anchovymeep

Requested by Anchovymeep

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Wamuu had an urge. It wasn't anything dirty or impulsive, it was just a small urge, an urge to kiss you. Whether it was your lips, your forehead, your cheeks, he just wanted to press his lips against you, to show you in the purest form that he loved you. He didn't want to scare you away with such sudden terms of affection, and was conflicted.

For such a big person, he shouldn't feel as intimidated as he does around you, you were no where near the same stature as him, and he secretly relishes in that, but the warrior attitude melts away as soon as you step in the room. 

He wasn't the only one who had noticed this, a pair of amber eyes watching your interaction Wamuu curiously from afar, long locks of purple hair shaking with the movement of his laughter, Kars had an idea, and he was ready to set it in motion. 

You thought it was a great idea. It was always nice to know that your romantic interest liked you back, and Kars was as devious as ever, although his plan was more sweet than dangerous this time. You were happy to participate. 

So when you emerged from the indoor gym, sweaty with a towel wrapped around your neck, catching Wamuu on his way in, you casually started up a conversation, staring up at the larger man with a smirk.

"Oh and Wamuu, before you go.." You stretched onto your tippy toes, pressing a kiss onto his forehead, and effectively flustering him, before quickly making your exit, snickering and ducking behind the nearest wall, turning to high five Kars who was waiting for you. 

This cycle continued for a while, you'd purposely fluster Wamuu by doing all the things he'd wanted to do to you, but to him. He'd never follow up with anything, until today that was, he was finally going to get his own back, with the advice from Esidisi.

So when you'd sauntered up to him after he'd emerged from the gym, ready to fluster him all over again, but he'd wasted no time in tilting your chin upwards so your lips could meet his, before leaving you in his dust, while you stood stunned and Kars remained confused from where he was hidden. Did Wamuu literally just..? 

This happened for the rest of the day, Wamuu would come up behind you and kiss you on the cheek or the forehead or have a quick cuddle, and before you could do anything about it, he would quickly run away, just like you did to him. 

Wamuu wiped the sweat from his brow, ducking behind a wall and smiling at the enthusiastic thumbs up he got from Esidisi, it seemed like you were both going in circles of teasing each other at the moment, with the help of your masters too! It was ridiculous. 

Until you were caught with each other. 

You and Wamuu were sick of it, and sought each other out, scouring the house for each other before you promptly crashed into each other in the hallway, taking a second to gather your thoughts before looking at one another, and then bursting out in laughter.

"What a stupid way to say I love you, right?" You chuckled, and Wamuu paused, his heart momentarily stopping in his chest, "You..love me?" He said slowly, as if to process the information.

"Wasn't it obvious?" You hummed, nudging the now stiff wall of muscle next to you, he hadn't moved or even spoken, you weren't even sure if he was breathing, well, you were, until he grasped your shoulders and quickly pressed his lips against yours. It felt amazing to actually press his lips against yours properly, it was everything Wamuu had imagines and more.

You were both only shaken out of the trance you were both in when you heard clapping sound out from beside you, breaking apart to see Kars and Esidisi eagerly clapping and celebrating the moment you and Wamuu had shared together, you laughed, intertwining your hands with Wamuu's, returning his contagious smile with visible happiness. 


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