Wamuu - Peace

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Requested by The_cotten_to_candy

Your changes in behaviour were obvious to someone like Wamuu, he was a very observant person, he just didn't know what was causing your mood transitions, were you on your human lady cycle? No, you had gotten that already, maybe someone had upset y...

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Your changes in behaviour were obvious to someone like Wamuu, he was a very observant person, he just didn't know what was causing your mood transitions, were you on your human lady cycle? No, you had gotten that already, maybe someone had upset you, either way, he was going to get to the bottom of why you were seeming so down. 

"Hello Wamuu.." You mumbled quietly when he walked up behind you, "Good morning, Y/N." He bowed slightly, you quirked a brow, you had already told him to stop doing that, "Sorry, force of habit." He chuckled, you smiled half-heartedly, "No worries, Wamuu."

"If you don't mind me asking, you seem upset, I would like to know what's bothering you and if I can be of any assistance." The tall man asked, you smiled, it was sweet really, "Haha, I'm not upset Wamuu, just tired, thanks for your concern though." You chuckled, patting his beefy forearm and going to move to get your day over with, but were stopped when Wamuu suddenly lifted you off of your feet and into his arms.

"Wha-Wamuu? What are you doing?" You asked confusedly as he made his way inside, ducking under your bedroom door frame, "You were tired. A warrior such as yourself should rest accordingly." He replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, setting you down on your bed gently, you thought he was going to leave you to rest, but the Pillarman seemed to have other ideas. 

The bed dipped underneath his weight, and his arms looped around your waist, "Wamuu? What are you doing?" You asked, your face tinging pink with embarrassment, "Lord Kars said humans were affectionate creatures, is this making you uncomfortable? I can stop if you'd like." He replied, deep voice rumbling against the back of your neck pleasantly, oh god he was so warm, and comfy..

"No no, that's okay, it's kinda nice." You admitted, Wamuu made a soft noise of surprise from behind you, but dragged your frame closer to his, his abs pressed against your back, "I'm glad you agree." He hummed, burying his face into your neck with a contented a sigh, even warriors such as himself enjoyed downtime every now and then, especially with his favorite human. 

"You're comfy." You commented absentmindedly, Wamuu laughed and tightened his hold around you, ensuring you were warm and comfortable enough to go to sleep, he really didn't want you to miss up on sleep, and would do this with you every night if that was what it took to help you rest at night, he'd also admit he liked holding you, you were soft, and fit perfectly in his arms, like the right puzzle piece, it felt all too right. 

"You know I'll always be here, right?" Wamuu suddenly murmured, your hand rested onto his forearm around your waist, "I know, Wamuu." You muttered back, craning your head sideways to plant a small kiss onto his cheek, the Pillarman lit up with the realisation of what you had just done, his heart feeling all fuzzy at the small gesture of affection. 

"Your lips are really warm." He slowly pointed out, you chuckled, "Is that a bad thing?" Wamuu spluttered like a broken car for a second, thinking he might have somehow hurt your feelings, before he heard your quiet laughter, but he sighed and chucked along with you once he realised you were teasing him, "How can I love one little human so much?" He chuckled lightly to himself, he paused upon not hearing a witty response from you, before learning that you had in fact, fallen asleep in his arms, Wamuu smiled, resting his head on yours.

That was okay, he'd tell you in the morning. 

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