The World Tour

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"So the Capitol Records wanted to release your new EP via a World Tour Concert. Do you think are you ready for that?" John says when he enter the restaurant where we'll be having lunch in a Wednesday afternoon. Is what I'm hearing is correct? A World Tour? Me???... Shock and unbelievable news that even I can't believe that this is happening... wait.. He maybe joking! right? I mean.. I stop my musing when John can't actually breath due to laughing so hard.

"If you can see yourself right now. Oh my god! I can't breath!" he says while gasping some air. I wish he die right there and then for laughing so hard. 

"What the fuck John! Stop fucking my mind. You of all people know that World Tour is my biggest dream, so stop playing my mind and laugh at my face! It's not nice." Now I'm pissed on him for doing this.  He still can't stop laughing. "You know what?! Go to hell John! I will get out of here laugh all you want. I don't fucking care!." Standing up from the table and started to leave the restaurant. This day can't go any better. I deep sigh.

"Wait! Cari!... Cari! waaaait!." he move quickly to stop me for leaving his ass alone in the restaurant. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you. I mean your face is a picture perfect. But I understand even me if someone told me that I am going in a fucking World Tour! My own World Tour nonetheless.'' in his enthusiastic voice. "sit down I will tell you bout it and for the record I;m not kidding you bout the world tour. I expected that you're gonna be shock on my news but I didn't ready myself to see your face like that. hahahahaha" John's says.

"So... you mean?? tour? me? as in me???? going in a fucking world tour?" I'm stuttering and blubbering mess coz I'm in full blown crying now. John is just nodding his head off on me while smiling so big. I still can't believe myself that this really happening. I Cari Fletcher from New Jersey is going on a World Tour!. My own World Tour.

"Are you ready for it?" John ask me.

"Ofcourse I'm ready! I'm waiting for this my whole life! I dreamt about this. We use to dream about this me in a world tour while she's on  my side cheering me on and being my number one supporter and I believe her and now this!!" still can't believe bout this news I receive from my manager.


when we're still in college.

walking hand and hand along the hallway  in our university planning and dreaming our future together. "I will shout all I might and dancing to every beat of your songs. like this" she's showing me her not so very good dance skills. She's lucky she's cute. I just smile at how silly my girlfriend is. How this dream of ours will be reality in the future make me feel so excited and love her more for her support and for loving me. How I got so lucky?! I don't know. This is the dream that I don't wanna wake up from. Her not on my side to fulfill this dream is a nightmare.  don't think I can do this without her support. She keeps planning everything on our future. I just smiling at her and nodding my head to her once in awhile coz what can I say? Seeing her this happy and excited to our future makes me more giddy and can't wait for it to come.

"Watch out world! Cari Fletcher will conquer the world! You will bow down on how she's fucking great in her music and her song makes those bitches die in envy!" She keeps on shouting. The other student just stare on us in awe, I even hear some of them says how cute we are as a couple. we're like a couple goals in our university.

====end of flashback=====

....but I didn't know at that time that this is all just in our dreams me going to conquer the world thru my music without her by my side....

John keeps snapping his fingers on my face. "what?" I ask 

"Where have you been? You look like in a far away land again" he says

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