I did that.. didn't I? Oh no!

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FPOV (Fletcher's Point of View)

Fuck! I hate jetlags and to think I have a 6 am meet up with my fans is insane. Who the hell make this schedule at such a fucking early where we just arrive here last night!. Alex is still snoring in the other bed where she sleeps in. When I go travel and she's with me I always insist that we shared room because it's so much fun if we're in the same room. I need another 5 minutes of sleep. I put my phone down and try to close my eyes when suddenly there's a ping in my phone. Oh she really flew out here to see me so fucking cute hopefully she could say hi to me when we see each other. I don't know why I feel giddy and excited to see her in person. I wanted to follow her on Instagram, however, I'm hesitant to do so as I don't know why. Let's see what will happen when we meet then we'll see.

"God Cari! can you please turn off your fucking alarm? It's so fucking early to wake up. I haven't sleep much." I woke up when Alex throw her pillow on me. What the? Where the fuck is my phone? I'm trying to find my phone as it keeps on ringing as I forgot to put it back in my nightstand when I woke up awhile ago. Finally after rolling off and on of bed I finally see my phone which by the way it's under neat my comforter.

"Alex wake up we need to be in the restaurant by 6 am there's some fans waiting for us there." trying to wake Alex up as she's still snoring even I gave her more enough sleep while I get ready and now I'm ready but she's not. "come on Alex we're gonna be late! John will kick your ass if he found you still asleep. Wake up!" "I'm awake, I'm awake! geez Cari next time don't agree to meet up in this kind of hours mostly if we flew like 19 hours to get here." she complaint while getting up on her bed to get ready. "Tell  me about it. I don't know who's plan is this." I stop what I'm saying when there's a knock on our door which means one thing it's John. When Alex heard the knock she run off to restroom and signal me not to say that she just woke up. Just put out my tongue on her while getting up to open the door.

"Hey John! good morning." I greeted him which make him so shock as he know I'm not a morning person. "Oh great you're awake! I thought I need to go here to make sure your already awake." John says while entering our suite and go directly to the sofa to plop down with a sigh. "Alex though just woke up just a second you knock on the door." then I hear Alex shout my name in the restroom where she's still getting ready. "I knew it, one of you will still be asleep. Well  can't blame her it's too early for this meet up!.'' he observe. "I know that's what Alex and I talking about. Who the hell make this schedule? We can have atleast make it at 8 am but no you choose a 6 am meet up for god sake!." I blame him as he is the one who suggest to have this schedule because he thought we can atleast have more time to rest after as I need to be at Dusit District for another meet and greet at 9 am.

Before John can reply to what I'm saying,  Alex showed up from the bathroom. "I'm ready! lets go!." She shouted from the bathroom going straight where her purse is. 

When we arrive at the Chao Coffee Company 10 minutes before 6 am and there's a line already waiting for us to arrive. When they saw us they start screaming and chanting my name. "Hi guys! How are you?." I greeted them and gave some a hug while entering the Coffee shop. 

The fans is also getting inside the shop and some of the staff show them where they can sit as this will be a full breakfast event where I can eat with them while chatting with them. I know it's very rare for them to see me as we all are located in different country and this is only the opportunity to see me in person which I'm very honor to do and appreciate their support mostly we have different speaking language still they supporting me. 

Alex start to order our food as she knows what I would like which is a gluten free food hopefully they have those kind of food or else I might get starve during this event. While I chatted to them I roam my eyes to the shop and landed my eyes to someone that I feel I know. I feel like I know her from somewhere just that I can't pinpoint where. I blink several times and turn to look the other way as I think she caught me staring at her, hoping she won't find me a creep. I saw her ordering her food which I can only hear a little of what she says as the people around me is chatting nonstop. I focus my mind to the people around me and start to give my cents to what they're talking about besides I'm the reason why they are here on this very early but it's hard to focus as I can keep thinking about the girl in the corner of this shop. I'm very sure I know her I just can't remember where. I lean slightly to Alex to whisper bout the girl in the corner she might know her as well. "hey do you think you might know the girl in your 7 o'clock.'' I ask her as discreet as possible. She look in the direction I gave her and she just shake her head no or maybe she don't know her as the girl is already looking outside and her body is kinda hiding so you can't see her clearly what she actually look like from where we are. Then abruptly she stand up and look in our direction, however, she's wearing a mask and she walk straight to the counter to order some take out I think as that what I could hear from where I am.

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