That's the way the Cookie Crumbles

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When I finally woke up, the first thing that I noticed was that the side of my face, I'm assuming that this was the side of my face that the other people had punched, was on fire. Not literally on fire, but it felt like the bones were broken. The next thing that I noticed, was that I felt a soft breeze on the back of my neck. Almost like I was eithter partially outside, or one of the rooms windows were open. My mouth was still ductaped shut, so I couldn't call for help. My hands were effectivly tied to the back of the chair, along with my feet being tied to the legs of the chair. Safe to say, I can't get out of this predicament just yet.

So instead, I decided to finish my thought on Kissa's grandfather. The day that I wen't over to Kissa's house to work on a school project for history was also the day that I had met the man. I had walked into the house, after opening the door for Kissa of course, always the gentlman. But when I let her in, she took one look around before letting out a scream of delight. By the time that I walked in, she was hugging a man of about 80 years old. She was so freakin excited to see him that I could already tell that they had a good relationship. While they were hugging and catching up, I was standing on the other side of her huge living room. So I decided to look around.

Off on one wall was a huge fire place. It was made of white marble. Hanging above the fire place was the world's largest. deer head. Like, I mean it was huge. other then that, there were the standard photos. Family pictures, Pictures of both her parents, singles of her mom and dad. Pictures of her grandparents. The walls were to bright yellow in some areas, and a light green in others. Which is strange when you think about KIssa's attitude. I tune back into Kissa's and this man's conversation. It turned out that it was one of their conversations on bullies. Even though Kissa had that really tough exterior, she was still just as much a target for bullies as the average "nerd". She just had a better way of dealing with it.

When she was done talking with her grandfather, Kissa and I went to her bedroom, a room I was usually never allowed in, but she insisted that I was allowed in. When I walked in, she flipped another light switch and turned on the black light. Written all along her walls were different quotes from her favorite songs, her favorite books, and Quotes from her favorite video games. Some of these quotes included: ""Just hold me tight whenever you get scared." -Mr.Teddy; Among the Sleep, "Its not even human!" -Guard; Outlast: Whistleblower DLC, and finally, "You could be so beautiful." -Groom; Outlast: Whistleblower DLC.

I would go on, but these thoughts were interrupted by what looked like bands of static running across the room. I start to hear other voices. Kissa's voice and what sounded like that kid Cody's voice. Then it clicks. The voice that I heard before I blacked out was Cody's! But then there's another voice, a third voice that I can't place. KIssa begins speaking.

"Look, it's almost time for school to be over. Get back to your desk and just leave Lexie alone." Kissa sounds almost threatning. But there's a hint of something else in her voice. Something that sounds odd with that threatning tone.

"Now, why should we leave her alone? she's almost to easy a target." Cody says. But just then, the bell rings, and Kissa shoves her way through the wall of 2 boys. Taking Lexie with her, she goes and waits by what she knows would be my last class of the days. But she becomes more and more confused when I don't show up, even when all the students were out. She becomes more and more confused still, when she goes and looks in the room and doesn't see me.

"Excuse me, but have you seen Matthew?" Kissa asks

" No Miss. Taylor. I haven't seen Mr. Chand. I do hope that he is alright. He usually never , misses a class" Said the teacher. Before I could hear anything e;se, the voices started to become distant, the picture that I was seeing started to become more and more fuzzy. I knew that the connection, or whatever you wanted to call this thing between Kissa and I was, but I figured it would be weak, if it wasn't a fluke in the first place. But why iin the world did it need to go out now when I needed it the most?!

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