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        The way that Matthew had taken charge surprised me. I wasn't sure why we had looked at him to take charge, just something about him shouted leader. I can't really see anything wrong with that. But he did have an annoying habbit of always trying to play the hero. Just don't tell him I ever said that. The first thing that he wanted to do was try and go by himself. I seriously don't know what's wrong with that boy. I mean, he's handsome, he's smart, he's kind, he's everything that's good. But the hero and suicide attitude is the only downside. Well, the only downside so far. I mean, he can't be perfect. But I so want him to be. When the explosion went off on the other side of the compound, we all looked at him to take charge, Kissa even looked to him for instruction, and she doesn't see anyone as her superior. He didn't dissapoint. He did look a little nervous, and that's understandable, I mean, he's trying to lead his friends, and Cody, into a hostile situation, and he has to do it without getting any of us hurt. Yeah, I trust him with my life, but I prefer not to die. 

        I didn't know what was going through his head until he spoke, but he was looking between us like he was thinking about us individually. I knew that this had to be stressful for him. I mean, He had taken command in the school cafiteria, but this was different. There was more at stake now. 

        "Alright. Kissa, I want you to go and see if you can find out what they're saying. I know Cody. I know, she wont go alone." Matt said in response to the look that Cody was giving him. I took a quick glance at Cody to see him giving Matt a very disturbed look. Like a mix of disbelief and what could be loathing. A split second after Matthew finishes talking, Cody relaxes. I take a good look around to see where in hades we are. 

        I remember running to the other side of the compund, hiding behind walls when needed, Now, all I feel is heat, dry, hot, heat. I turn around and find out why. The building that I remember to be the housing of all the weapons was ablaze. I now understand why every soilder was running in the other direction. Standing in front of the building, almost seeming to be watching the fire, are 2 men. Both are wearing grey. With a start, I remember the 3 men that came after us in the multi-purpose room were also wearing grey. No, that has to be a coincidence. Right?  I think to myself, not knowing that Kissa was also following my line of thought. Because it's her voice that I hear in my head next. "No, it can't be. I remember too. But the men in the Multi-purpose room had something like a symbol on their elbow" I jump slightly, not really used to having annother person's thoughts in my head. I tune back in just as Matthew starts talking, directing his words at Cody. 

        "Cody, look. I need you to trust me. We need to split man. I'll distract thosse 2, while you, Kissa, and Lex go and help those people out. Heal them, move them, help them get out of this. Do whatever it takes. I don't care, just get them out." Before he can even finish, Cody interrupts him.

        "Not a chance man. We do this together, or we don't do it at all." Cody states with finality

        "Get your head out of your ass!" Kissa snarls at him

        "I'm staying with you." I simply state. Hey, it's the truth. this may be a dangerous misson, and we may not be prepared for it. But no way was I going to let Matthew deal with it alone. We were a team now, wether he liked it or not. I had to agree with Cody, we were all going to do this together. Or we weren't going to do it at all. "Think of a different game plan Matt. Because we're a team now. It doesn't matter what it is." I continue to talk, despite the look he's givine me. He tries to stare me down, to get me to back off, but I wasn't going to have it. After a quick , tense silence, he finally nods. 

        "Okay, okay. Let me think a minute." He says with a resignated tone. Everyone falls silent, knowing that this was important. While he thinks, we keep a look out to make sure that the other 2 people haven't moved. I see him out of the corner of my eye, looking back and forth between Kissa, Cody, and me. I still have no idea what's going through his head, but we don't have to wait long. With a small gasp, he looks at Kissa

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