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        I knew from the moment that that damn cloth was placed over my mouth and nose, that we were going to be in a shit load of trouble. When the cloth was over my nose, and I started to fade, I immediately wanted to grab Cody's hand. I'm not the mushy "My boyfriend is my everything" type of person, and under normal circumstances, I would go down fighting. But this was not a normal circumstance. We were kids in a real war, fighting for more then a piece of land. We were fighting for our lives, and in that instant, I knew that if we made it out of this alive, I would want to spend the rest of my life with Cody. So the first thing that I do, is try to reach for his hand. But before I can find it, I black out. 

        I'm the last to wake up, both Cody and Lexie are looking at me the same way that we had looked at Matthew. Like they wanted me to take charge and get them out of it. But I'm not a take charge kind of person. Sure I can call the shots every once in awhile. I'm bossy I know, and I usually don't take orders from anyone. But all those instances that I did call the shots, was when it only affected me. I'm not a leader, so why pretend? Matthew was the leader in this group, and from what I could see, he wasn't here with us. With a slight groan, I try to remember everything from the battle. 

        With a gasp I remember that I was shot, though how I could forget is beyond me. I try to move my arm, to pull up the bottom of my shirt to look at the wound, but find that my arms are chained down. Upon closer inspection, I notice that both my hands, and my feet, are chained to the bed. This confuses me, but I don't think I like being confided. "Lex, do me a favor and break these cuffs please" I think to Lexie. Strangely enough, she doen't look up to me, or even acknowledge that I said anything. "Lex, come on. Break the cuffs already!" Lexie still doesn't respond. I look over to Cody and try with him. "Cody, dude, can you hear me?" Even he doesn't hear me. I mean, I've practiced with my powers for more hours then I care to count. Something must be up. Before I can think of anything else to do to try to get their attention, the door on the far wall hisses open. Lexie, Cody, and I whip our heads around so fast, that I'm sure our necks must have cracked. 

        From the door, we see one our old classmates. he looks like he's being supported, like he was knocked unconscious. Not Matt, Please, Not Matt. Even though I was with Cody, even though My best friend thought better of it, Matt was still my best friend. And the last thing that I would do before they killed me, was to kill as many of them as I could. I watch in anticipation, as they chain the new comer to bed number 4 of 5, and let out a hiss as I see who it is. Beaten and bloody as he was, it wasn't hard to recognize who it was. My blood boiled as I look at the one person who could get under my skin faster then an infection. All I want to do is wrap my hands around his throat and choke the life out of him for all that he did to me and my friends. When I think about it, I can still feel the duct ape around my wrists. I look over to Lexie, and see that she recognizes him as well. Not just recognizes him, but also fears him. I turn back to the newcomer and glare at him. "Devon" I spit out.

        Deavon looks up and glares at me. "Hey, I'm here just like you. They found me, and as you can tell, mainly because I know you're not blind, I'm in worse shape then you. So cool it with the death glare Kissa." Deavon snarls at me. When he uses my nickname, I know that I'm going to murder him. No one, and I mean no one, uses my nickname but my friends. 

        "Listen hear you little, worthless piece of shit. I don't care if you were dragged in here with no arms. You don't ever call me Kissa. Do you understand me you son of a bitch?" I nearly shout at him. He doesn't even blink, or act scared. But I don't care, the minute I get the chance, I'm going to rip his mother fucking head off. He continues to glare at me, before turning to Lexie. 

        "It's good to see you sweetheart. I missed you." Deavon's voice takes on a different tone, something that he might take as a soft, flirting tone. All I want to do is puke. No way in living hell was I going to let him try and get back together with Lexie. I may have been with Cody and distracted, man, Cody' s such a good kisser........I shake my head to try and get it together. 

        "Listen motherfucker, you have no chance with Lexie. Don't even try. She doesn't like you. She hates you you piece of shit." Deavon laughs, which throws us all off. 
        "And who does she like? That punk kid Matthew? Please, next to me, he's nothing more then a bug just waiting to be squashed. He has no chance with Lexie, ya wanna know why? Because he doesn't know her like I do. He doesn't know her fears, like I do. He doesn't deserve her, like I do." When he talks to me, his voice takes on a taunting tone. I so want to punch him in the face. But before I can even try to move, the door slides open again. 2 more guards come walking in, and come straight towards Cody. I watch in horror as they punch his face, once, twice, three times before he finally passes out from just the pain. I watch in horror as they unchain him from his bed and drag him out of the room. 

        "COME BACK HERE YOU STUPID AS SONS OF BITCHES! DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM OR I SWEAR TO ALL THE GODS THAT I WILL KILL YOU!" I twist and turn, trying to get free. But the cuffs are to tight. I pull, and pull as hard as I can before I hear a snap come from behind me and feel an unimaginable pain coming from my right wrist. I grit my teeth, hold back the tears, and try to move my right hand. But it doesn't respond correctly . "Ow ow ow ow ow. Fucking broke my wrist!"I think for a moment, and then attempt to pull my wrist free. A severe pain shoots up my arm, causing me to scream in both frustration and pain. The pain eventually becomes to mych, and with an angry sigh, give up. Lexie looks up with tears in her eyes. 

        "I'm sorry Kissa, I would help if I could, But I can't move anything. I wish I could help-" She's cut off by Deavon's hysterical laughter. I again, shoot a death glare at him, but before anyone can say anything, a scream is sent through the room. I've never heard Cody scream, but something in me goes off inside me and sends me on a rage again. Not being able to utter words anymore, I let out a stream of gibberish. The screams continue for 15 minutes before the door slides open again. I look over and my heart stops for a minute before breaking into a sprint again. 

        Cody is being supported on both sides, being dragged more then he's walking. The left side of his face is bloody and swollen. He has 2 black eyes, and what looks to be a broken nose. I look away, afraid of what else I might find. I hear a scream, a scream almost as chilling as Cody's as they drag Lexie away, through the doors. "KISSA! KISSA HELP ME!" Lexie screams, the terror in her voice sends me to tears. She continues to scream my name. Asking, no, begging me to help her. But I can't. The fact that I can't help my friend when she needs me is enough to send me over the edge. I fall off the mental cliff, and nothing is there to support me as I fall.

        I'm trapped in my own mind, trapped, watching while my mind brings up all the horrors that they can think of. Watching as I''m shown my grandfather's body, wracked from the cancer. I watch as Matthew is dragged away. I feel the terror as Lex and I try to find him, racing all over the campus looking for him. I watch, as my mind starts showing me things that haven't even happened. Cody being shot down in front of me, me not being able to do anything to prevent it. I watch as Deavon slowly comes over to Matthew, picks up his head, and snaps his neck. I watch, as he grabs Lexie around the waist, and drags her off to only god knows where. The visions finally end, when someone puts a bullet through my head. I welcome the blissful oblivion with open arms, happy to take this over the images. 

         I'm unaware of my surroundings, lost in the void that is my mind. I'm unaware of Lexie being brought back in. I refuse to look up, knowing that she's going to be as bad as Cody, if not worse. I don't look up at all. not even when they come for me. 

        I don't struggle as they unchain me. I don't struggle as they drag me from the room. I don't struggle as they take me into a different room, and I don't struggle as they strap me to a metal chair. I don't struggle as they throw water on me. I don't struggle, or even move, when a voice comes from the walls, asking question after question. I don't answer these questions. My reward for not answering, is either an electrical shock, or getting socked. My face seems to be a favorite of their's. When it isn't my face, it's my stomach. I don't notice the pain. I don't notice anything. All I yearn for, is to return to that blissful oblivian that my mind had taken me to. 

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