Time Flying

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        Before the guy's fist could connect with any part of my face, the strangest thing happens. Well, strange for him anyways. The guy's fist stops an inch from my face. A look of confusion passes over Shorty's face as he pulls his hand back and tries again. But the same thing happens as the last time. I glance around and see that Lexie is casually leaning against the doorframe, eyes locked on Shorty with the deepest look of loathing that I've ever seen from her. She flicks her hand and sends Shorty flying to the opposite wall. All around us, objects start to float from the wall. Things like dumbells, weights, even a chair is sent floating, spinning in a massive vortex with Lexie being in the center. "So. you think it's Okay to sneak up on a person and attempt to hit them. When their backs are turned? That's the lowest form of cowardice that I've ever seen. And I've seen some cowardly shit." Lexie says in her breathy soft whisper, which sends shivers up my spine. 

        Before Shorty can say anything, he's smacked in the shoulder by one of the heavier objects, a 25 pound weight that flies at him with lightning speed. His shreik of pain stuns me and I glance at Lexie. She continues sending objects at him, hitting him in every bit of skin that she can reach with her mind. Until she has nothing left but a 3 foot metal pole. She looks at it and holds it out like a spear, like she's going to run him through with it. I stand in shock as Kissa runs up in front of Shorty with her arm's spread. A look of fear flashes across her face, quickly replaced with determination. I didn't know what was going to happen, we will never know what's going to happen, because at that second, the commanding officer walks in, followed by another young man. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD IS GOING ON HERE? LEXIE PUT THAT DOWN RIGHT THIS INSTANT OR YOU WILL BE CLEANING THE BATHROOM WITH A TOOTHBRUSH FOR A MONTH!" He shouts at Lexie, who then drops it to the Grunod. "Now that you're all done acting like neanderthals, I would like to introduce another recruit. you three should get along with him just fine. He is after all, another gifted student." The general says with a laugh, confusing all of us. We were only aware of the three of us with powers. I glance at Lexie, who glances at Kissa, who still refuses to look at me, so opts for looking at Lexie. We all look at the door and recoil in shock as Cody steps into full view. 

        "Hey guys. I'm Cody, healer. Not a big power compared to what you three can do I hear. But I'm sure that we can find a use for me in your little team." Cody says with a smile that causes Kissa to wimper softly. Before he can get anything else out, I get in his face. All I can remember about him, the only  image that my mind comes up with, is how he humiliated me. 

        "I don't know what you're doing hear, but if you think for a second that this changes anything, then I suggest you turn the hell around and walk out now." I say with a slight snarl. I ignore the fact that Kissa is giving me a mental shout out and focus mainly on Cody. All he does is keep that soft goofy smile on his face and takes a step closer. Close enough to whisper in my ear.

        "Now. Why would I want to do that Chand? Especially since I owe you from the time you beat me. You didn't think that I would forget did you? Oh no, I remember. And I'm just waiting for the correct time to strike." He whisperers in my ear, with a huff of air, he shoulders his way past me and heads for Kalista, who looks both apprehensive and pleased. I swear that girl will forever confuse me. With a sigh, we, Me, Lexie, Kissa, and now Cody too it seems, line up in the center of the room and begin today's lesson. Lexie's power seems to come easy to her, making me wonder exactly how long she had her powers. Kissa has very little trouble with her power as is sending us messages from across the room The only thing that she has a problem with, is keeping it open long enough for us to actually respond. Cody is new, and should have all the trouble in the world, but he to seems to have a skill with his gift. He can heal anything from a small cut, to a giant gash. Everyone can use their powers to an extent. But I can't seem to make time stop for even a millisecond. No matter how much I'm being yelled at, taunted, teased, I can't seem to do anything. 

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