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        A few weeks had passed since Lexie and I had gotten our tattoos. In that few weeks, we all had begun to become close again. Not Cody and I. I don't care what Kissa will tell me about him, I don't care what Cody does to try to prove that he changed. I don't care that he and Kissa are officially a couple. All this did, was make me distrust him more and more. But Kissa and I started getting along, even if it was more formal then we would have liked. Kissa knew that I liked her, it was obvious. Not to mention the fact that Cody was the one to abduct me that one day, I could never find evidence of it, but I was absolutly certain that he was behind it. Whenever we were all hanging out, and I was getting to tense, Lexie would take me away from the 2, saying that she wanted to discuss training with me. But that was only discussed as a last resort. Other then that we would discuss every topic under the sun, the moon, and the stars. Last night was a good example. 

        "Matt, I think we should go discuss training, ya know, just the 2 of us. Let these 2 discuss what they want to in private." Lexie says to me, though it's clear to both of us that they will be doing a different activity. Just thinking the thought makes me want to sock him in the face. I take a deep breath, and focus on Lexie's voice. "I wanted to go over the the tell tale signs between a healing stone and the Xitharis stone." That's how I know that she just wants to get me out of there. mainly because she knows the difference better then I do. I let her lead and we end up on the roof again, our "secret" hang out spot. The fresh air that's blowing helps clear my mind of anger. 

        We stand around, not really saying anything, just looking at the surrounding buildings. There wasn't much to see. Not because the city was deserted, that would've blown our cover. Our Headquarters is located in the vast city of Chicago. A city so bustling with people, that we can come and go at ease. When we go out in public for some little down time, we are required to wear "normal"clothes so we blend in. I don't really go out much, not unless it's part of an assignment. Other then that, I like to stay hidden in the room, or on the roof. The reason that there wasn't much to see, is because it was night, everybody was either at their night jobs, or in bed, it's one of those unusual nights, where everyone seems to not want to be out. Which made the topic much harder to talk about. 

        "Matt? Do you want to talk about it yet?" Lexie's standard openning question, I don't know why she thinks I have something that I want to talk about. I mean, I'm fine. I always am fine. In response to her question, I shake my head. "Come on Matt, you can talk to me, you know that you can. She goes on and on, saying different things in hopes that she can get me to talk about whatever it is that would be bothering me. I'm fine! I shout out in my mind, keeping a straight face. 

        "Tell me about your past Lex. I want to know you. I mean, We're on the same team right? And a team has to be able to trust each other don't we? It's you, me, and Kissa all on the same team." I say with a sigh, in return she mumbles something so low that I can't hear what she said. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" I ask politly

        "And Cody...." She says a little louder. "Kissa says that Cody is part of the team now, so it's the 4 of us......" She seems hesitant to say anything more but goes on. "O-oh come on, you have to had notice that their a thing now. I mean, I-I know that you don't like to talk about it but-" She never gets another word out. Mainly because I punched something, but that's beside the point. 

        "Tell me about yourself Lexie." I say in a forced calm. "From the top" Lexie looks a little upset, but in my current state of mind, I couldn't care less. I just wanted to talk about anything but Kissa and Cody. 

        "I can't remember anything before I was 4. And sometimes I wish I could forget about that too. When I was 4 I was found by some men, I don't know how they found me, but they had this device and no matter where I ran, they always found me. I hid in a park one time, and within a few hours, they had tracked me down. I got tired of running, so when they found me a few weeks later, this time in the women's bathroom at the mall, I didn't even put up a fight, I didn't run, I didn't do anything but let them take me. It was the worst decision that I have ever made." Lexie takes a deep, shuddering breath before she continues with her story. 

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