Chapter 18

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When the movie ended , all I wanted to do was go up to my room and forget today even happened. I tried sitting up when Linus pulled me back down.

"Was there something else ?" I said confused-and a little scared- while he looked over at Seth. I was too afraid to turn around and see what their faces were displaying.

And then he leaned in. I tried scooting back to get away but Seth kept me close between them. I had nowhere to run. I turned back to him as I pinched my eyes shut and kept my lips tight. His lips moved sloppy against mine and I just silently prayed it to be over soon.

Seeing as I wasn't acting to his liking , he gripped my leg harshly making me yelp in pain as he took that as an opportunity to completely violate my mouth with his tongue. It was disgusting! I felt like one of those fishes who cleaned the bottom of the ocean with their mouths. Except in this scenario, I was the bottom of the ocean being cleaned.

When he finally pulled back I was grateful that it was over . That's until Seth grabbed my hips and in one swift move turned me around towards him doing the same. "Play along now " he said while tears rolled down my cheeks with each movement his lips made against mine. I felt so dirty. And it just got worse for me from there. If I wasn't flip flopped from the one kissing me to the other , they were both kissing me -one on the lips and one in the nape of my neck- I've never wanted to go to bed more than I did right now.

"Okay. That's enough for now." Linus said pulling back while Seth almost immediately backed up too. Thankfully , they didn't violate me any further than kissing-not that I enjoyed that part - but I was just glad that some things remained private .

"Are you waiting for another round or ?" Linus said while I jumped up.

"Goodnight Vera." Seth said while I moved to the stairs.

"Night. " I mumbled before falling unto my bed and crying myself to sleep.

I woke up with a splitting headache as I stood up seeing I had started my period. Of all the days and all the places , it had to be here. I rushed to the bathroom -seeing nothing I could use - as I blew out a breath, showered and put some toilet paper on my underwear. You would've thought if you planned on kidnapping someone you would atleast prepare.

"Finally ! We're gonna be late for work !" Linus said while I rushed to the kitchen to get their breakfast.

"I'm sorry. I started my period this morning and you didn't have anything so I had to improvise . I won't be late again. " I said while placing a bowl of fruit infront of each of them.

"You know, we can take care of that for you ." Linus said motioning to me with his fork.

"What do you mean ?"

"Your period. We can make it go away if you want it to." He said with a smile while I quickly caught on to what he was referring to.

"No thanks. I'm good. But , can you do me one favor though?"

"What is it ?" He said sounding almost annoyed .

"Can you get me some pads from the shop ?" I said uncomfortable not even making eye contact. I could sense Linus was upset that I shot him down .

"Sure. But what if we get you tampons ? Or a cup ? It's way more comfortable. Or so I've heard. " Seth suggested less annoyed and more understanding while I looked up.

"I don't know what that is . Back home we only had reusable pads. I don't-"

"You'll see." He said before finishing his breakfast.

I stood at the window while they said goodbye. Seth only kissed me on the cheek while surprisingly Linus did the same but with the addition of whispering in my ear ; "my offer still stands". A shiver ran down my spine at the thought as I watched them drive away.

This was going to be a long day.

The whole time they were gone I couldn't erase the memory of last night. About a thousand what if's ran through my head , the most prominent being ; what if it went further ?

I would never be able to live with myself or the emotional scar it would leave. This was the one thing I held dear and promised myself I would keep safe. It's just, I never knew what tommorow brought and ... I just so badly wanted to leave this place.

It was past 10pm and they still haven't returned. Normally I would've been concerned for their safety and if anything happend , but I was more so planning on making my escape when the clock read 12. I didn't know how yet , all I knew was if they haven't come back yet by then,  I was in the clear.

Sitting at the dining table I watched the minutes tick by slowly , 10 to 12 I stood up and grabbed my bag from upstairs.  I threw in some of my stuff before running down the stairs in a hurry.

"You didn't really think we'd let you leave did you ?" Linus said appearing at the front door while he threw his keys on the table.

"And here I thought I was doing you a solid." Seth said sounding almost disappointed while he placed the bag of products on the table.

"I'm sorry I -"

"Yeah. Go ahead. I'd love to hear your excuse this time." Linus said amused while taking a seat at the table as I lowered my bag from my shoulder.

"You see , I was thinking that if you -"

"I'm gonna stop you before you say anything else to tick him off." Seth said raising his hand as I felt Linus' gaze practically burning a hole at the back of my head.

"I'm sorry okay ! But do you blame me !? You're keeping me hostage ! Treating me like your personal maid! Not even to mention you're violating me at every chance you get ! So yeah. I tried to ran away , but you know what ? I don't care what you do to me . Cause I'm sick of this and I'm not afraid of you anymore." I yelled out , my breaths becoming uneven while I heard Seth's laugh break through the thick air.

"Someone's feeling brave today. " he said clearly amused while I watched Linus get up from the chair slowly. I watched as he stalked closer as I tried to keep a straight face , not flinching as he looked me up and down.

And then his hand made contact with my cheek.

I instantly raised my hand to the burning spot as I looked back at him in surprise that he just hit me .

"Don't provoke me again Vera. This is your warning. " he said before going upstairs. I looked over at Seth while he grabbed the bag , shoved it into my hand saying ; " I tried to warn you" before he left too.

I lowered my hand as I could still feel his hand burning my skin.

I may have been out of line today , but it sure did feel great giving him a piece of my mind.

That's it ! I don't know if you wanted more detail about her being on her period all moody and brave but when I wrote this it was more a filler than planned . So I'll see if it added anything or just messed up the system. Thank you so much for reading . Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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