5 Years Later

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Roni is now 15 and in high school. 10th grade to be exact.

Everyday since she met the boys they have played baseball every day and got better every time.

They were known throughout school as the weird kids, but they didn't care. They had each other and nothing else mattered.

When the last bell rang throughout the school halls, Roni ran as fast as her legs could take her, pushing past every other student to get into the school yard.

As she approached the school's baseball field, Roni saw her friends were warming up to play against some kids from around the school.

As she walked towards the bench someone started to jog towards her.

Roni knew the smile of the person from a mile away. It was her best friend Benjamin "Benny" Rodriguez.

Roni yelped as Benny picks her up and placed her over his shoulder before he spins her around playfully. "Finally, she's here."

Roni laughs, amused by Benny's antics. "Yes, I am "finally" here. Now please put me down Benjamin."

She knew Benny hated we she called him that. At least that's what he wanted her to think. In reality, he secretly loved it.

Benny complies to Roni's request and puts her down.

Roni fixes herself up before looking up to the tall Latino boy in front of her. She couldn't help but stare into his big brown eyes as they stood there in the summer sun.

Roni only looks away when one of one of the opposing players yells. "Are we going to play or what?!"

Roni nods her head. "Let's play ball!"

The two teens smile as they jog over to the bench, prepared to play.

The game starts and goes on for a while.

Roni watches as her team plays well, specifically Benny. She liked how he was amazing at baseball, but she loved how he never boasted and was humble about his skills.

It something that made her that much more attracted to him.

As the game was ending, Benny goes up to bat and taps the inside of his shoes, then taps the home base. He takes a few practice swings and gets into position.

The pitcher pitches the ball and Benny hits it towards the outfield then starts running all the bases.

Benny gets passed 3rd base but as he goes to run to the home plate, he gets into something called a "Pickle".

Benny runs between 3rd and home base as Ham calls out. "Pickle."

All the sandlot boys and Roni run towards Benny cheering him on as he continued to run back and forth.

Benny was still caught in the "Pickle" running back and forth, but he tricks home base into throwing to 3rd and runs towards home base, where he makes it to safety.

They all cheered for Benny and give him high fives as they patted his back.

Roni however ran up and hugged him as he lifted her up both of them laughing and smiling.

Once they broke apart the two just stood there looking at each other as everyone continued to congratulate Benny.

Roni and Benny we're pulled back to reality by the boys congratulating Benny. The two looked away with blushes on there faces.

After celebrating some more everyone just decided they should all go home.

All the boys and Roni walked home together, happy for their win.

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