Dinner with Benny

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It was another regular day at the sandlot as everyone was playing baseball and having fun.

That was until Roni went up to bat and hit the ball over the fence. This made everyone groan as she ran all the bases.

When Roni got back to home she was met with a not so happy Benny. She looked to him with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. I didn't think I would hit it over."

Roni looked down and fiddled with her hands, but Benny just smiled to himself taking her hands in his. "Hey. It's okay we'll just get another ball."

Roni looks up to him with a confused look. "Well, what are we going do? We can't go back to the pool and I don't like doing anything other than playing baseball and neither do you."

Benny smirks. "Well... I have been thinking and... I want to take you out on a date."

Roni stands there with a light blush on her face. "But, what about the boys?"

Benny grabs her by the waist and brings her closer to him, Roni giggling as he does. She puts her arms around his neck as Benny chuckles and looks deep into her eyes. "I think they'll be alright."

Roni chuckles as she nods in agreement. "Yeah, I think they will."

Benny smiles and leans in, Roni doing the same as they smile to a kiss. It wasn't long or rough, but short and sweet.

They pull away and smile as they put their heads together, but stop when they feel stares on them.

The couple looks over to see all the boys staring at them, nervously chuckling as they let go of each other.

The boys all stand there wide-eyed, mouths hanging open as Benny and Roni walk over to them standing there hand in hand.

The boys all look at them in a group as Benny and Roni stand there slightly embarrassed.

Roni clears her throat and was the first to speak. "So? What do you think?"

The boys still stand there shocked as Benny and Roni send nervous and anxious looks to each other.

Finally the wait was over when Squints spoke up. "Well..."

Benny and Roni stand there nervous at his response, but we're glad when they found out they didn't have to be. "Finally!"

The couple looked to each other with confused looks and do the same to the guys.

Ham sighs and steps next to Squint's. "We already knew you guys liked each other. It's been torture watching you two make googoo eyes at each other and not notice. So, what squints meant is you finally got together."

The two look to each other with very noticeable blushes, but look back to the group anyway.

"We were that obvious?" Roni asks.

Squints nods. "As obvious as me liking Wendy."

Benny and Roni look to each other and smile as Benny was now the one speaking. "Well, since the ball is over the fence, and we don't have the money for a new one. Let's just call it a day."

Roni looks over to him with a small smile and giggles as all the kids rush out of the sandlot.

The two older teens walk out slowly holding hands as they walk home.

As they get to the corner of their street, Benny pulls Roni her by the waist making squeals slightly.

Roni smiles putting her hands on Benny's shoulders. She looks up at him only to see he was already looking at her.

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