Magazine shoot

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A/N: I just realised this might not be the best story because it didnt come out how i thought of it so its kinda bad to me idk but here it is. I feel like i said my name and my friends name too much but i tried to do it with the Y/N thing and didnt like it. This kinda sucks yea

Today was the day, Today was your photo shoot with your friend who is trying to get a job with this magazine, You were at Kelly's House since he offered to let you shoot in his garage with his bikes, " so are you nervous about today?" he asked as he exhaled his smoke " Yea very she said be be prepared for the unexpected with this since shes trying to work for this really big magazine, and this is my first ever photo session i didnt think dirt bike racing would get me anywhere" i laughed as i played with my hands nervously " thanks for letting me use your garage by the way." you  smiled looking down shyly, " No Problem its the least i can do, you helped and supported the band when we were starting, you cant be so shy though be the funny goofy sexy girl i know and have seen you be Layne " he said rubbing my back. You had known Kelly forever whe he started in Faster Pussycat and you had always liked him but you never thought he would feel the same plus you say the girls hes hooked up with and dated. You smiled and looked up at him " Me?, Sexy ? no im not " you laugh as you sit on the ground against the wall " Yes you are y/n ive seen how you are at the bar ,he laughed elbowing me, no but really, you arent like most girls you carry yourself different and are always true to who you are, and are always full of surprises he smiled and that is sexy " " Thanks" you smiled as you see your friend walk up with her equiptment. " You ready Layne?" " Yep ready as ill ever be " we headed into the garage and she set up " ok put on your racing suit," she said as she walked closer, "but umm put this on under it" she said handing me red lace lingerie. You blush looking over at Kelly who is as shocked as you are and look back at your friend. " umm Amy  can i talk to you in the bathroom?" You say giving her a death glare " I know you said be prepared but i thought maybe id be wearing like idk a croptop showing clevage and shit not full on playboy model" you say as you peak through the cracked door and see Kelly sitting on the counter" Well i knew you would have Kelly here 1 because its his house but 2 because i know you like him and i think possibly might like you she says handing you the lingerie. You huff and think about it smiling as you think of the possiblities in your head" ugh fucking fine" you snatched it and pushed her out the door " Oh Amy play Hollywood Vampires album please" i whisper as i push her out. You put on the red lace and look at yourself making sure you look great making any last minute adjustments when you add red lipstick to add, you hear a knock at the door and hear Kelly say " Umm im gonna head inside i dont want to make you anymore nevous or uncomfortable then you were before"  "NO no Kelly stay its fine you've seen shit like this before its fine " you said with  a smile as you think of the fact that he might actually like you like you like him. " Ok if you are sure." he walks away and you open the door and go over to my dirt bike in my suit.

Kelly's POV:

I walk back to the counter and sit on it as i am kinda in shock that Layne wants me to stay in here Amy must have told her that i have a crush on her, i knew i shouldnt have told her ive hid it from her for 8 years since she was 18 i dont know why i decided to tell her friend now. I look up when i hear the door open and see her walk into the garage in her race suit with red lipstick on and she looks amazing. " Ok im ready" she says as she sits on the bike hanging her helmet off the the handle bar. " Ok lets do this" Amy  said as she put in a CD and started snapping pictures. i smile to myself as the Hollywood Vampires album plays, i see her place her rest her hands on the handle bars posing for her picture and she looks like a natural, Amy snaps a few more picture and stops walking over to her and unzips her suit all the way down to her belly button and i see her re lace bra as she blushes and her friend moves her to my motorcycle and takes the top of the race suit off leaving it hang as her friend sits her on the bike and poses her where she is leaned back with her elbows on the backseat and she tells Layne to look up at the camera as she gets a close up shot of her face and the bike. I watch her as she gets more comfortable with these pictures and i can tell that shes looking at me ocassionaly when i try not to look at her, " Ok Layne i need you to lay back and arch your back a little and put your hands in your hair ok?'' Amy says as she gets ready " Perfect" She says as i stare in awe at her and i think good god shes fucking gorgeous. im snapped from my thoughts when i hear her friend calling my name " uh What i ask as i see Layne now staring at me as i try to look away as quickly as i can " Take some pictures with her ?'' she asks " Uhh Sure if she wants to" she nods and i walk towards her as her friend comes over and helps her take the rest of her suit off. Holy shit i think as i see her fully in the all red lace, this isnt gonna be easy i think as i adjust myself so she doesnt feel the excitement she has caused me. " Ok Kelly you stand right behind her and Layne you take his arm over your shoulder and hold his hand as he leans against the bike " She explains as Layne Nervously smiles back at me as we get in postition. I feel her hold my hand as the palm rest against her breast " Ok perfect Amy said as she snapped the picture. " Ok these are the last two pictures for the day" she says as she has us pick a position, she has me sit on the bike and she sits facing me in front of  me putting her legs on mine as she leans back as her friend snaps the picture from the side. The last picture we take is just a fun goofy one we are in the same postition and she sits up scooting in closer and hugs me with her arms around my neck and mine around her back " AW so cute " her friend says as she stands up from the bike " thanks Layne for the picture and thanks Kelly for letting me use your garage and bike" Amy says as she leaves " NO problem tell us how the pictures turn out i say as i see Layne leaving for the bathroom as i run to catch her " Hey, you looked amaizng today " i said smiling as she holds her suit infront of her and blushes " Thanks Kelly thanks for taking some pictures with me it made me feel more comfortable sorry if it was akward for you though" She says looking up,  i thought to myself as we stood in the room in silence its now or never Nickels kiss her, I leaned down and cupped her face and kissed her softly as she dropped the race suit and wrapped her arms around my neck. She deepened the kiss grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer as i picked her up and put her on the counter running my hands down her body as her hands slip under my shirt and she gently scratches my sides and stomach " I Love You" i said pulling away " Kelly I Love You Too ive loved you this whole time our whole 8 years of friendship" she smiles as she rubs my cheek " Be my girl Layne" i smile as i rest my forehead on hers " Finally yes " she says and kisses me again holding me as close and tight as she can.

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