Text Messages (Older Kelly Fanfic)

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Today was not the greatest day you had to work an early morning shTodayift and you felt off so as soon as you got off you went home and put your favorite PJs on your L.A. Guns shirt that Kelly had given you and some shorts and put on some music and layed in bed just thinking about everything. You moved to New York two years ago just to get out of Missouri and have some new exciting surroundings, thats how you meet Kelly you worked at the grocery store and he was a regular coustmer and you guys got to know eachother because he would always come to your lane or down whatever isle you were facing or stocking and just talk to you and you then figured out that he lives rather close to you on your walk one moring and he invited you over. Your thoughts stray and start getting sad and you start beating yourself up and overthinking every decision you have ever made and thinking of some things you messed up even though none of it was your fault. You are brought out ofyour thought when you feel your phone buzz and you see you have a text from Kelly

Kelly:  "Hey, if your off you should come to the studio if you want, we are finihing up recording for the day. "
You smile and reply back

You: "I would love too but im not feeling the greatest had a bad day and just really down right now but thanks for the invite. Sorry, Miss you though"
you guys have grown really close and were really great friends pretty much inseprable, you loved hanging out with him hes so much fun and the biggest loving dork ever, he didnt know well he might since you arent good at hiding shit but you do have a big crush on him which a couple of your friends thought was weird since he was alittle older than me but i didnt care.
Kelly:" Aww ok well if you need anything or someone to talk to just text me and I'll be there,Ok?  Im always here for you."
You tear up and start to cry alittle he really cares about me and was always there for me but he doesnt know alot of the depression side of me because im always scared to tell or open up and scare people away
You: " Thanks Kells talk to you later have fun recording."
You put down your phone and are brought right back into the sad thoughts as you start crying harder and grab your pillow and sob,  You cry till you fall asleep thinking and feeling worthless.

3 Hours Later Kelly's POV:
Im worried about her she never doesnt want to hang out shes always with me always happy as can be laughing anf giggling, i thought as i pack my gear back in my jeep and get in, Maybe i should text her again and see if she wants to hang out just me and her, maybe she just wanted to be me and her like usual when she gets around others she gets shy and anxious and paraniod maybe thats why i thought as i took my phone out and texted her again
Me: Hey im done at the studio if you wanna hang out at my house."
i sent it and it said read imediately and no typing began. Thats odd i thought to myself, ill give her sometime to respond i thought as i drove home, i just hope shes ok. I pull into my driveway and put the car in park checking my phone, still no answer. Im gonna go check on her its not like her to not respond quickly. i drive to her house and park the car gettting out seeing Layne's house completly dark no lights, i get my key out and open her front door and hear faint music upstairs coming from her room, i walk upstairs to her room and knock on the door slowly opening it to see her sleeping cuddling her pillow with no covers on listening to music. I smile and gently sit on the bed covering her up and moving the pillow and resting her head on my lap as i stroke her hair gently as Ballad of Jayne plays in the background. Shes so beautiful and peacefull i think as i run my thumb across her pale cheek and notice her red puffy eyes, has she been crying her nose and her cheeks and eyes were all red, i want to take care of her and figure out why shes so sad today because i love her but i dont want to push or invade. i continue to rude her cheek and hesitetly lean down and kiss her forehead, i smile as she stirs and rolls on her side wrapping her arms around me falling back to sleep. i brush the hair from her cheek and neck again, i start to think back to when we went on a roadtrip in my jeep to Memphis and think of all the pictures and laughs we had thats when i really got to know her shes, crazy, goofy, spontainious, loving, thats when i found out that i might like her more than i thought more than a friend, but there is no way she would date me shes 21 and im 58 but basically all this time we spend together with me is fine i hope it never ends i want to be around her all the time we both are ourselves and can do and say anything  around eachother. I look back down when i feel her move again and see her rub her eyes and sit up. "When did you get here? " she asked yawning and smiling lightly " A few minutes ago i was worried about you, you never really dont hang out. whats up Layne whats going on sweetie?" She looks down and grabs the pillow and holds it " Nothing just a bad day is all" she says faking a smile " I know you have been crying your eyes are red and puffy your nose is red too" I say scooting closer to her" Its just my depression its bad bad today everything is rushing around in my brain, my life all my decissiouns my mistakes everything and i just couldnt take it today and i brokedown ok, i didnt want to worry you or scare you away or bring you down" she says fast as she panics gripping her pillow. " Why would i get scared?" " Because when i get like this i say too much and then im completely vunerable and thats when people who have only seen me as strong and happy see that i have some problems and they leave because its too much for them." she says as her voice breaks and tears run down her cheeks " Honey, im not going anywhere tell me everything tell me whatever i wont leave you alone because of it" i say as she cries harder and i pull her onto my lap and she cries into my chest wrapping her arms around my neck " Shhh its ok sweetheart, Im here " i rub her back slowly and gently. She calms down and looks up at me with her teary red puffy eyes and swollen lips" Honey its ok" I wipe the tears off her cheeks and kiss them both softly Her face softens and she weakly smiles " what set it off today hun?" i ask cupping her face and rubbing my thumbs on both cheek. she takes a shakey deep breath and lets it out " Well, what started it was how ive never been in a serious relationship and im never good enough for anyone, the last guy i tried to be with was a year ago. He said he liked me and asked for my phone number while i was at work and we talked for a couple days and on the second day,.... I went to work after he was off to talk to him and ask him out on a date, but he kissed me and we ended up having sex" I tense up as i hear the story " What did he do?" i ask trying not to sound mad. " Well i felt like i rushed it and i paniced and texted him many times and he never answered or talked to me again, until the day before he quit he said that he thought if he showed me enough attention he could see how easy i would be to get into bed and then he said you were an easy lay " she cried and covered her face with her hands. I sigh in anger and pull her close " That always happens Kelly i let my gaurd down just enough and that happens and they go bragging to their friends and talk about how easy it was and then it gets around and people start calling me names " its my fault it happened " She cried as i pull away having her look into my eyes " No No its not they are assholes who say whatever or do whatever to get what they want" i say "well i should know better and i should know not to trust and to no let my gaurd down" She cries " I just want love....... Real honest true goofy bestfriend soulmate type of love" she says numbly as shes stopped crying and has a blank defeated look on her face as she stares at the wall " It doesnt exist anymore i will never have my one my only , Im either not loveable or love doesnt exist at all" she says quietly. My face drops as she finishes her sentence " Do you really belive that Layne?" She nods " No one loves me but my family and a couple friends" She says wipping her nose as she sniffles. I sit for a second looking at her every feature and how beautiful she is as i think to myself  shes to young to give up on love shes to perfect to not be loved and cherished and showed off and loved like i would love her, shes perfect to me shes the world shes peace shes the sun and moon. I lean in and kiss her softly she shocked and wraps her arm around my shoulder as her other hand is on the back of my neck pulling me closer. I pull away to see her speechless with a slight blush" What was that for ?" she asks " I Love You i want you i want you to be mine i want to love you like you should be loved to be loved like i love you, your are perfect " She smile and tears up again "Do you mean it or are you saying this out of pitty because of what i just told you? Because I love you too Kelly , im just scared scared to let my gaurd down and love fully and as hard as i can." She says as she cries and her voice shakes. " Its ok Layne, im here dont be scared let it down fall inlove with me like ive fallen for you, ill catch you darlin ill be here always " She smiles " I have fallen for you " She kisses me deeeply and i pull her close. " I Love You" I smile " I Love You Too Kelly "

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