Wheels of Fire

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A/N: I wish this happened LOL. Anyway this kinda sucks.

Kelly and you had been friends for years you had met eachother in 5th grade and were insperable, you all did everything together to the point where everyone thought you were dating but you werent. Tonight was just like any other night ( so you thought) you had called Kelly and asked if he could hang out if he wasnt busy, luckily he had just finished band practice. As you waited for Kelly you got movies, popcorn, blankets, snacks, ready because this would most likely end in a sleepover. You decided to put some music on while you got the stuff ready aand waited and started dancing to Dogs D' Amour " How Come it Never Rains"  halfway through you see your door open and Kelly come in and he takes your hand and starts dancing with you. The song ends and he spins you as you both laugh and flop on the couch smiling at eachother " Hi" you smile as you scoot sitting up and moving to cuddle into his side " Hello " He smiles holding you close  and tight. You guys snuggled all the time even around the guys and of course they would always tease Kelly and he would blush and tell them to shut up still holding you close. " So the movies we have to choose from today are, The Lost Boys, Trick or Treat, The Breakfast Club, And Weird Science. you say as you point to each movie " You choose since i did last time " he covers his eyes and circles them as his finger lands on The Lost Boys " oooo our favorite " We say in unison as i put it in and sit back covering up and snuggling. " Can you hand me the Zingers ?" Kelly asks looking down at you " Yep" You say handing him a couple " Thank you " He says kissing the top of your head. You hum and smile as you watch.  Halfway through the movie he starts getting sleepy and starts to fall asleep. " Hey wake up" you say poking his cheeks " Hey " he says as he playfully tries to nip at your fingers " No Sleep yet " you say pouting " ok ok What do you want to do since we have seen this movie ?" he asks sitting up and uncovering " Umm idk "he groans and buries his face in your neck " Ughh you never know what to do " He says into your neck causing you to shiver " Hey no ." you say moving his head " What you never move my head, whats wrong?" he asks with a grin " N-nothing you say as you look away blushing. " Oh ok sure " He says with a smile and nod. " I Might have an idea i just really dont want to say it " you say nevously he looks at you confused and raises his eyebrow " What is it ?" you play with your fingers nevously and look up " Well, i was wondering if you could help me out as a friend? Idk if its what friends do but i trust you and feel comfortable with you " you say looking up with a blush in your cheeks. He notices how serious and nervous you are and looks at you with a soft smile" What is it hun?" he says rubbing your arm " I was wondering if you would be my first time?" You say shyly " What your first what?" he asks confused " Will you take my virginity?" I ask covering my face in a panic " Oh Wow" he says with a smile " Oh my god you are laughing you say with your face still covered " No Im not honey " he says uncovering your face " This is so embareasing" you say with red cheeks " Im 17 and a virgin " You say in a groan as he shakes his head and scoots closer " Its not bad honey, its perfectly fine and normal and actually sweet that you are and want me to take it it shows how close and how much we trust eachother" he says as he gently caresses your cheek " So will you ?" you ask with a shy smile " Of course " he smiles " I just need to know what you have done or if you are like new to all of this " he says grabbing your hands."Because last time i was told you have done some stuff but you didnt really tell me what " he says pulling you into his lap " Well umm ok , I have made out obviously, ive done blow job and stuff but ive never had anything really done to me " you say quietly " So you have never had anything done for you?" he asks confused as you nod in response " Wow ok umm so we can do this but i want you to say when to stop and when you are uncomfortable. " He says looking into your eyes sweetly " Ok i will " you blush and looked down and play with the hem of his shirt. Kelly puts his finger under your chin bringing your head up to meet his and kisses you softly and slowly as his arm wraps around your lower back pulling you close as possible. Your hands go to his hair tugging gently as you grind your hips against his slowly causing him to moan into your mouth. His hands move to your ass gripping it tightly as your hand slides down his chest and down to his crotch where you rub and squeeze lightly as he moans and squeezes your ass making you  moan as well . He pulls away to see your cheeks more red then before and you breathing heavy and you both smile " You doing ok ?" He asks with a smile " Yea" you say with a shakey breath and smile. He then begins to kiss your neck softly moving closer to your sweet spot, when he finds it you moan and lightly grip his shoulder "Mmmm " You smile as he starts to suck and nip at your neck, you moan quietly and he stops " You dont have to hide your moans babygirl " He says kissing your neck again. You guys keep kissing and you eventually take Kellys shirt off and lay him down kissing down his chest as you move to the waist of his jeans looking up at him " Come here " He says pulling your hand so you are face to face again. He kisses you and smiles pulling away " Tonights about you not me " He says as he flips us over so hes on top, You blush and bite your lip as he kisses your stomach looking upat you the whole time as your breathing gets heavier as you whimper. " Is this ok ?" he asks undoing the button on your shorts.  You nod and he quickly tugs the shorts off you leaving you in your red lace bra and panties, His mouth falls open ad he quietly stares and whispers to himself " Fuck " You giggle and look down at him " What Kelly?" he stutters as he looks at you " Y-you look amazing " he smiles up at you as you blush and hide your face as it muffles your respons " Thanks " you say, He kisses just barely above the waist of your panties and pulls them down throwing them behind him. He slowly licks and sucks on your clit as you moan and your hand tugs his hair makingnhim moan against you. " Mmmm Fuck Kelly " You moan as he goes faster making you arch your back and pull his hair more making him go faster " Kelly im gonna cum" You moan as he slows down and pulls away. " Aah why did you stop " you ask breathlessly " Not yet baby " He smiles and kisses you deeply slipping his tongue in as you taste yourself " Mm" you gently scratch his back. He lines himself at your entrance and kises you again " If this hurts too much just tell me to stop ok? " He says staring down into your eyes. You nod and grip his shoulders as he slowly enters you " Ahh fuck " you say with teary eyes " Keep going you say as you close your eyes, He thruts into you making the pain go by faster causing you to moan in both pain and pleasure. He stops letting you adjust to him as you nod for him to go. " Mmmm yes " you moan gripping the back of his neck as you pull him down to kiss you " Faster" you say against his lips he speeds up and moans in your ear as your scratch his back " Yess Kelly YES !" you moan as he finds your spot " Fuck" Kelly growls in your ear speeding up and going harder " YES KELLY FUCK " You moan as his thrusts get sloppier and he breathes and growls in your ear" Fuck you feel good " He kisses softly " Im gonna cum kelly " You moan " Cum Babygirl " You moan loudly as you cum as kelly follows behind. He flops down next to you and and smiles " Wow" He says breathing heavy. " That was awesome " You say with a giggle ''i dont know whatelse to say " you blush as he laughs pulling you tight for a  hug " You were great honey " he says kissing the top of your head. " Thanks "you smile and kiss his chest " you were amazing" you say as you trace his stomach with your fingers. " Hey will you do something for me as a friend? " he asks with a smile " Of course " you smile " Go out with me tomorrow night ?" He asks lighting a smoke. " What "you say shocked " Go out with me, ive wanted to ask for awhile " " Yes " you smile " Nice he smiles blowing out the smoke. " Finally " He whispers to himself as you giggle.

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