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Living with Kelly and his parents was amazing, ever since my parents started fighting more Kelly said i could stay with him. Kelly and me have been friends for about 7 years you met him in junior high when you moved dowm the street from him the summer before school and you guys hit it off hanging out everyday, mostly going to the record store and sleeping over at eachother houses. Thtough the years you had developed a crush on him and just buried it not wanting to ruin the friendship and bond you guys have created, but tonight it looked like it was all gonna change. Kelly and his family were looking through old photos and found several pictures of you guys were you were on his shoulders and messing around outside and you rememered that whole day as it came back in a flash back and you realised that you like and possibly loved him because your friend had pointed out the way you looked at him while he smiled at the camera, she also said that everyone thinks we were together anyway because we are inseperable. All your thoughts came crashing down when you saw her, Stevie his ex girlfriend he was with for the First two years of high school, you hated her cause she was too perfect and tried to break our friendship and he left her when he started L.A. Guns because she kept trying to change him and making him quit doing music. " Look Kelly its Stevie whatever happened to her? she was such a nice Pretty girl" his mom said looking at the picture," I broke up with her it jus wasnt working anymore" he said flipping the page. You remember that during the period of time they dated Kelly drifted and actually chose her over you and quit hanging with you.  With those thoughts rushing back you decided to go to bed or atleast go to your room down stairs" Good Night guys im gonna go im not feeling well" you lied as you looked at him and walked to your room where you changed into one of Kelly's button up shirts and some sleep shorts as you put on a record and tied your hair up in a messy bun and get lost in your thoughts as "Dont you ever leave me " plays. " Hey " Kelly says as he walks into your room looking at you with concern " Hey" you say trying to smile and act as normal as possible sitting up in your bed " you ok? i know you arent sick feeling something else is up" he said sitting next to me on the bed " Well how do you know whats wrong " you said defensively " Because i know you Y\N i know when your sad or when there is something going on in that busy brain of yours " he says playfully poking your head " Let me in talk to me " he says with a soft smile " Ok " you say standing up " im sad im sad because i had all those feelings rush back of when you were with stevie and when you of all the people i thought would always choose me left because of some girl some stupid beautiful girl that  hate because she took you from me for so long." Im sorry" kelly said "Just listen im not done. I remember everything we have ever done all those walks in the parks, the late night talks at my house when you slept over all the laughs and all the love i have for you, as dumb as it sounds i believe you are my soulmate we are so perfect and inseperable and goofy and alike that i have fallen in love with you and it sucks because i realised it when you were with her and then with Jen they both were fucking beautiful and i cant compare to them, im plain dont wear much makeup and im not the skinniest, but know right here im telling you, I Love You Kelly and i always have you are the person who makes me happy and i love your goofy ass with my whole heart you are my yellow you are the reason for my happiness and life, i understand if you dont feel the same but i needed to say it and ill lesve you alone if you dont feel the same or cant handle this." You finish saying as you cry and look i his eyes. He chuckles " Soulmates? Thats dumb, we're definetly soulmates though" he smiles as he stands up walking towards you" Ive always loved you ever since i saw you ride your bike down the street past my house when you were 12 in your plaid orange skirt and your KISS shirt, as far as looks you got it you are it, so what if you are " skinny" who the hell cares that doesnt make me like you anyless and it doesnt matter, im sorry i made you feel like that and im sorrry i left you for so long thats the saddest most lost i felt is when you werent there, id go to make a joke that you would get and realise it wasnt you i was with i was holding the wrong hand dating the wrong girl . I Love You Too Y/N " Kelly finished as he held your face in his hands wiping your tears away with his thumbs " Oh i dont like seeing you like this " He says getting choked up and teary eyed " Im sorry Baby " he said resting his lips on your forehead still cupping your face as a couple tears slip out. " Come here with me "He says taking me to my bed as he pulls me into his chest.  Quietly he rubbed your back holing you tight. " Why didnt we tell eachother sonner ? " You say looking up at him " I was scared didnt wanna ruin the friendship i would rather see you everyday and just be in your company then lose you " He said looking at you. You smile and kiss him softly putting your hand on his cheek and smile pulling away" Ive waited forever to do that" you smiled sitting up " is that my shirt ?" He asks with a smile " yea you gave it to me the other day when we were walking to the record store, Ive slept in it the whole time " you say giggling as you cover your face in embarassment " AWW " Thats cute he says laying us back down " Lets go to bed " I smile" Good night Beautiful  i love you" Kelly says pulling you closer" Night i love you too

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