Truth or Dare

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"Hey Layne hows my girl doin?" Taime asks as he walks up to the counter with his bag of donuts I smile and ring him up " Im good how are you today?" I answer as i see someone come up next to him on crutches " Hey man thanks for breakfast " He says as he stops next to him and smiles at me " Kelly this is Layne my friend ive been telling you about, Layne this is Kellly, Hes also my friend who i told you i was taking care of" he said" Hi" Kelly and I say in unison " How are you doing? Heard you were in a wreck" I say as they walk to the table behind me. " Uhh Im good working with these things is frustrating but im getting along" He smiled " Well thats good " i say.  They eat their breakfast and talk with you in between people i check out, " Well see ya Layne" they say as they make their way to the door. " See Ya i smile as i see Kelly look at me for a sec before going with Taime.


I wake up and the suns shinning on my face as i sit up and close the blinds and curtains and see Kelly in his bed next to me. A few weeks after i met Kelly with Taime, I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me so i moved out and asked Taime and Kelly if i could move in, I said i would take care of Kelly at night while taime works with his band. They agreeded but they said the only problem is is that its a two bedroom so Taime said i would room with Kelly since ill be helping. Honestly that was the best choice i could think of bc i had a crush on Kelly and Taime knew so he said its perfect to get to know eachother and go slowly as friends. Rooming with Kelly was amazing we watched movies listened to music, talked alot and were just complete goofs with eachother. Recently when we would hang out at night Kelly would Hobble to my bed and cuddle and watch tv. you didnt mind you loved it. I get off the bed and walk to my closet and pick out my outfit for work and head to the shower in the bed room. I smile and think about what me and Kelly can do tonight when we hangout. I hear Kelly shuffle in the bedroom and hear his crutches leave the bedroom, Hes up early i think to myself as i wrap up the shower. I walk out drying my hair in the towel and see Him enter the room, " Good Morning Sleepy head" I smile as Kelly sits on the side of the bed lighting a smoke " Morning Hun " he says with a smirk as he exhales the smoke " What do you work today ?" He asks as he slips a shirt on" Um 2-7pm " i smile as i spray perfume, He nods and turns on the tv and lays back" Shit im gonna be late its 1:50" i panic and grab my keys off the night stand " See ya Kelly be careful ok?" I say as he nods and smiles and i head to work.

Kelly's POV:

"TAIME!" i yell from my bed " Yes Kelly? " He asks rubbing his groggy eyes " Before you leave tonight can we go somewhere and pick up some flowers please?" I ask with a big goofy grin"Who for? Do you have a date, Because you might want to let Layne know so shes not here for that " He says gesturing with his hands " No Idiot, Its for Layne she really helping me out alot and im happy shes here with me " I smile and look down " Kelly has a crush oh my god " Taime teases as he laughs " Shut up, You knew i did when she moved in" i argue " Calm down i know, just get ready soon " he says leaving the room ...... We leave and go to a flower shop around the corner where i get her an arrangment of carnations, and roses with the whole bit and grab a card for her . " You Think shes gonna like this?" I ask as i look at the flowers nervously " Yea she will love it " He laughs "thats alot of flowers" he laughs as he carries them to the car. i think on the ride home ( Im nervous, why am i nervous we've done everything together ive seen her in a shirt and underwear shes seen me in boxers we litteraly are always together why am im panickig right now. we do dumb shit and are ourselves aroudn eachother, shes like me and i love it she is perfect. ) We get back to the apartment and i set the flowers up on her nightstand and put the card on her pillow. I hope she likes it i think as i lay on my bed again.

Layne's POV:

"Alright im gonna go Grace" i say as i clock out and walk out. God today fucking sucked you thought as you drove home, Rude people short staffed, fucking terrible. I pull up to theapartment and get out slamming my door You would think someone who does as much work as i do sometimes even work that isnt mine they would appericiate me a little more and be nicer, i thought as i stomped to mine and Kelly's room. Im stopped dead in my tracks to see a big vase of my favorite flowers and a card as Kelly opens the bathroom door quietly, i dont hear him or see him as i walk to my nightstand and smell the flowers, " Oh my god" i say quietly i move to the bed and sit reading the card that says " Layne, You have really helped me alot the past few weeks and i appricaite it, you are the most amazing person ever i love hanging out with you and being goofy and of course cuddling with you, Thank you for being here. Kelly" I smile as i tear up " I hope you like it " Kelly says startling me " Oh i love it thank you " I smile as i quickly wipe my eyes and stand up walking over to him and hug him" Thank you Kelly " i kiss his cheek and step back " im gonna change my clothes then you pick what we wtch tonight " I smile " Ok " He smiles and heads to his bed. i put on my baggy New York shirt and take my pants off walking out of the bathroom heading to Kelly's bed" So what are we watching " I smiled " tonight we are watching The Karate Kid" he smiles as i climb into his bed and snuggle into his side as he rests his arm on my hip." Nice i smile and rest my head on his chesst. Halfway throught the movie i start to fall asleep " Hey' Kelly kisses my forehead "wake up" he laughs ' Im up " I smile and blush as i sit up rubbing my eyes. Kelly sits up and pauses the movie " Layne?" he asks as i look over at him" Yea Kells?" i smile as i look at him, " Do you wanna play a game?" he asks with agrin "What game?" i ask confused, " Truth or dare maybe " He asks wiggling his eyebrows " Oh my god ok " i laugh loudly . " Whose going first?" i ask  as i sit facing him crossing my legs " I will" he smiles " Ok Truth or dare?"  i put my finger on my chin and think" uhh Truth." i say looking at him " ohh BOOOO , not fun" he says as he thinks of a questin" Do you have a crush on someone?" He asks as i panic at his question" Yes " i blush and look down " Ok cool" he answers " Ok Truth or Dare Kelly " i smile as i lean back on my hand. " Tough pick" He laughs as he answers " Im gonna go Dare" " I Dare you to scare Taime when he get home" i say as i laugh" Well thats a bad dare " He laughs " I know i couldnt  think of anthing " i laugh " Truth or Dare ?" Kelly asks staring directly into my eyes " Uhh Dare?" I say nevrously " Kiss Me ." Kelly says calmly " What ? why? " i ask " its just a kiss Layne its just a game dont be nervous" he smile as he leans forward " Or.... I dare you to tell me who you have a crush on." He whispers in my ear breathing on my neck lightly. Without a second thought i kiss him and grip the back of his neck pulling him close, Kelly shocked kisses back soon after resting his hands on my hips and pulls me onto his lap. I pull away and clear my throat blushingas i look down " Wow i guess you dont want me to know your crush" he smiles as i giggle laying my head in his shoulder. i have a suddent burst of confidence and lean up to his ear brushing my lips lightly on his neck feeling him tense up " What if the personi have a crush on is the person i kissed?" i whispered sexily in his ear as i kiss his cheek an sit back raising my eyebrow as he stares in disbelife. Kelly pulls me down as he lays back and kisses me as his hand slids down gripping the back of my thighs, I sit up and take my shirt off leaving me in my underwear as i kiss his neck as his hands travel to my breasts as he massages them and kisses my shoulder. " Layne?" He says breathly as his hands slide down my back " Are you sure you wanna do this ? " He asks sweetly as he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear " Ive been sure for awhile " I smile as i kiss him softly. Kelly undresses himself as i do they same with my underwear as he pulls me onto his lap again. I postion him at my entrance and slowly slide down on him as he groans in pleasure closing his eyes, " Fuck" He smiles as i slowly rock my hips leaning back as he grabs my breasts and moans, " Come here baby" he moans as i reaches for the beck of my neck pulling me in for a kiss " MmMM " i moan as i kiss him " Harder Kelly " I moan as he speeds up and grips my hips" Yes Kelly Mm " i moan as he grips my hair gently pulling me close as he moans loudly and breathes agaisnt my neck " So Good Baby " He moans as he speeds up and his thrust get sloppy " Im close " i moan as i grip his pillow " Me too babe" He smiles as he pecks my lips, i cum and moan loudly throwing my head back as he grips my hips and moans/groans wrapping his arms around my back as he cums " Yess" i smile as i giggle and try to catch my breath, Kelly kisses my cheek as i slip beside him and he pulls me close wrapping both arms around me covering us up " I Love You" Kelly says into my neck" I smile and pull him close " I Love you too" I smile as we both fall asleep.

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