Car Seat Confessions

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rockNroll_Whore  Thanks for the Title and the idea to make this a story. You are soo amazing i love our convos and you are the best friend ever Love Ya <3

"Bye (Y/N) im leaving to go to the studio" Kelly said as he stood in the door way of my room while i put my boots on fixing my dress as i standup. " Well where are you going all dressed up" he asked cocking his eyebrow, " got a hot date?" He laughed " No im going to lunch with my mom you dork " you said as you walked passed him to go to the kitchen, as you walk past kelly lifts the back of your dress " OOO Black Lace" he says as he looks at your ass " Would you stop you goof" you said hitting his arm playfully. You and Kelly have been friends forever so hes seen you ina shirt and your underwear, of course overthe years you grew to have a crush on him, i mean who wouldnt, but you never said anything you just left it alone. " Ow ok " He says rubbing his arm fake crying " No need to be so rude, im sensitive ya know" He pouts but then laughs, " Have fun at the studio goofball" you said as he walked out to the car" Will do" He smiled. You sat in thr kitchen and drank some tea as you turned on the TV looking over and seein Kelly's wallet, you run to the garage" Hey Kell dont forget your wallet " You say as you see him foot proped on the car door, " Hey thanks " He says taking it " No Problem Kell, be safe"  You say leaning down to kiss his cheek and put your palm on his thigh to hold yourself" Ill be careful " He smiles as he notices you are still face to face. He kisses you putting his hand on your cheek and guides you closer as your hand slides up his thigh while you squeeze " Mm" he moans deeply as he then pulls you in his lap hands instantly going under the dress to grab your ass as he slides his hands up to your hips gripping them while you rock them against his " Yes"  you moan leaning your head back with a smile. He chuckles deeply as he kisses the front of your neck and tugs your hair holding you there" MM " You whimper as you bite your lip " This dress looks so hot on you" He whispers as he kisses your cheek and unties the front " Fuck " He groans as he sees your breasts, He sits up and leans you back so you lay back on the dash and begins to kiss up your stomach sucking gently from time to time as you pull at his hair, he stops as he gets below your breasts and looks up at you all flushed and breathless " Look at you so innocent yet such a dirty girl" He smirks as he leans down and licks your nipple taking it in his mouth as you moan breahlessly running your hand through his hair as the other slips down to your underwear as you close your eyes " No" Kelly grips your wrist as he kisses up to your neck while your hands go back to his hair " Good Girl" He smiles as he kisses you again and unbuttons his jeans sliding them down slightly letting his hard on free, you slide your panties down leaving the dress on he watches as you grab his shoulders and slide down on " Ahh yes" You moan as you slowly pick up the pace " So good baby" he moans as he leans you back again to watch as he slides his hand up your stomach gripping your breast while the other holds your hip " Ahh Kelly harder " you moan as you sit up and grip the back of his neck moaning in his ear while he picks up the pace gripping your hips as tight as he can " Yess baby fuck " he moans he thrusts as hard and fast as he can still holding your hips sure to leave a mark. He quickly lays you down in the frontseat putting one leg on his shoulder " Fuck Kelly YES im gonna cum" You moan while he leans down and nips at your neck " Cum Babygirl" He pants on your ear as he kisses your shoulder Fucking you senseless" AHH YES KELLY " you scream as you cum and scratch at his shoulders.  His thrusts become sloppy as he pants into your neck and moans" Fuck Yes " he moans as he cums and lays agaisnt you. " Holy shit that was great" He laughs with red cheeks " Yes it was " You blush and cover your face" Aww why you shy baby" He smiles kissing your collar bone" That was just amazing" you smile " Well im glad you enjoyed it. He says pulling you up and helping your fix your dress and tying the front again" God thats sexy" he says looking at the front, you giggle and stand up " Panties please" you say holding your hand out " Why you dont need them if they are just gonna come off when i get home " He winks " Might as Well just untie this againtoo" He says tugging the sring " Hell yea thats better " He smiles "Come here " he says pulling you in for a kiss " Be careful ok ? Ill see you when i get home" He says handing you your panties " Dont put these on though" He smiles as you shut the door " Ok babe " you smile as he pulls out the driveway..

Authurs note: Maybe a part two idk if this was good LOL

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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