Kelly Takes Care of You

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A/N: This is a Fluff story i thought about this week and have to write it because i love love cuddly, sweet, baby kelly he just is so sweet and this is how i picture him taking care of you during that time of the month. Enjoy :)!!

Kelly's POV:

I roll over and see y/n sleeping peacefully looking as beautful as always. We have been dating about 2 months and she spends the night most nights over here with me and i love it. i gently move her hair out of her face and kiss her cheek whispering " I Love You " to her quietly, we havent said it to eachother yet but i say it too her every morning because i love her. As i pull away she stirs and rolls over and i see blood on the sheets and on her shorts, i panic a little and go to the bathroom and check her over night bag to see if there are any pads/tampons but no luck, i move back to the bedroom and check her purse not finding any there either. " Baby" i shake her shoulder gently and say her name " Y/N, wake up baby" she smiles and rubs her eyes " yea baby? Good Morning" she smiles " Morning Baby" i smile " Baby you need to get up you started your period and there is some blood on the sheets " i say as i grab her hand helping her up. " Oh my god im so sorry " She says looking at the bed " Its ok baby its natural it happens, lets get you a shower and changed and relax in bed today," i smile leading her to the bathroom wrming up the shower " Ok Baby she smiles " Shit i dont have any pads/tampons" she says with a sigh" Its ok take a nice long shower and ill clean and get you some ok?" i smile" ok baby thank you " she smiles as i leave the bathroom shutting the door. " Ill be right back" i said to her as she got in the shower. Before i leave i change the bed sheets putting the dirty ones in the washer and set her out some of my old clothes with an old pair of boxers she can wear as sleep shorts, i set them on the sink in the bathroom and get the heating pad setting it on the bed for her. I leave for the store and and grab every size of pad/tampons because i dont know what she wears or likes along with some chocolate for her to snack on while we cuddle today. I got back to the apratment about 20 minutes later and hear the shower still running" Oh " i think to myself as i run to the dryer and grab a warm towel for her. " Baby i have a towel for you i say as i enter the bathroom as the shower stopped "Thank you baby " She smiles peaking out behind the curtain as i hand her the towel" Oh and here are these" i say grabbing the bag of pads/tampons in the hallway, " Um its alot i just didnt know what kind you like or wear " I smile looking down at the bag and back up at her as she smiles " Aww baby thank you i appreiciate this soo much" she smiles and kisses my cheek. " Its no problem baby i love taking care of you " i kiss her softly " get dressed and we can snuggle ok baby" i smile and head to the beroom.  I get to the bedroom and plug in the heating pad making sure its warm for her when she gets here " Thanks for the clothes baby i love the boxers " she smiles as she see the heating pad and chocolate on the bed " Baby oh my god thank you she blushes and smiles as she crawls into bed and kisses me " I Love You Kelly " She whispers agaisnt my lips , i smile " I Love You Too Babygirl" i pull her close letting her fix the heating pad and cover us up as i rub her stomach gently, " so you wanna watch The Munsters?, I think its the only thing on right now since its early yet" i say as i see her smiling up at me the whole time " what is it babe?" I laugh" Nothing its perfect im great " She smiles laying her head in my chest " Yes lets watch that i love that show " she smiles " Ok " I open up her chocolate and set it on my lap when shes ready" MMm i love chocolate " i hear y/n say " I Know " i laugh as i kiss her softly holding eachother as tight as we can. A few hours go  by and Y/N drifted off to sleep holding me tight" I Love you rest up baby" I smile and fall asleep with her holding her head on my chest as i rub her back.

A/N: Its short but i hope you guys like it as much as i do, BTW Kelly would be the best boyfriend ever <3

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