Chapter 6- Dad?(part 1)

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5 days later

I still haven't seen or heard from Luka. The past nights have been sleepless. I'm scared I've lost him, and I hope that's not the case, because I can't function properly without him.
I'm up and ready one hour before my alarm goes off. I've been up all night anyway, so I just decided to get ready to let out some pent up energy.
"Knock, knock." I go to the door, and there he is, looking even more gorgeous than he did the last time I saw him. He's fully dressed in his regular attire. I gripped my skirt with clammy hands. He bowed."Hello." That was enough to make me lose my cool. "Hello? Where have you been for the past five days?" I spat. He sighed, and shut the door."I've been busy, Nala. I am the prince, after all." "You've been so busy that you couldn't bother to see me?" I asked, hurt. "Ah, I am very sorry about that. But I have a country I have to help run. I've got paperwork, business trips, and much more."
Why was he being like this? So reserved. I barely recognized him."Then why bother to stop by, Mr.Oh-So-Busy?" I shot at him."Because I've missed you." He said softly. But I wasn't going to let my anger go. "Oh,really? I couldn't exactly tell."
"Look. I am sorry for being so distant, but I do have more important things than seeing you every night." He shot back. That stung. I blinked away angry tears. "Fine. Then leave." I muttered harshly. "Nala, I didn't mean i-" "LEAVE!" I shouted. He stood still, shocked. Then, regaining himself, he shook his head in disbelief, and left.
I sat on my bed and began to cry. What was happening? I was losing him, and I didn't to. This wasn't meant to happen. I loved him, and he loved me. I got up and left my room, running down the hall to catch up with him. "Luka!" I called. He turned around, a sullen look on his face. I began to walk hurriedly towards him. I reached up and kissed him with a burning passion."Luka, I can't lose you. You're all I've got." I murmured. I stepped back, staring up at his surprised reaction. He smiled, cupping my face in his hands. "And you never will, alright?" He promised."Im so sorry!" I cried."For yelling at you. It was wrong."
He smiled. "I forgive you, love. Because I love you, and I could never stay mad at you." I grinned , looking up into his beautiful eyes. In his irises I saw my entire world. He looked down at me, and gave me a smile a gorgeous my heart began to do backflips. How was I so lucky? "Why me, Luka?" I pondered. His face scrunched up in thought, playfully. I punched his arm, laughing. "Seriously!"
"Ok,ok. Well, why not you? Social statuses don't mean anything. Sure, there's plenty of wealthy princesses around the world interested in me, but I don't want any of them. I want you. You're my breath of fresh air. Around you, I feel as if I can actually breathe, and be myself. You enjoy books as much as I, which is a bonus." He smiled." Not only that, you're stunning! I've never laid eyes on anyone as beautiful as you. Since that day in the library, I knew that I wanted to be with you." He shrugged."You're my whole world, Nala." He stared intently into eyes, making my face heat up. I reached up, rubbing his cheek. "God, I love you." He grinned. "Come on." We ran through the hall like little kids, until we reached a wide hall, with rooms that all had golden double-doors. He let go of my hand, making it look I was just here to clean his room or something. There were guards up and down the hall, making me realize what this hall was. "Luka, why are we here?" I whispered self-consciously. " I want to show you another place special to me." He whispered back. As we walked down the hall, all the guards looked past us, except one, who was older than most, and buff, with black hair and gray eyes. He stared at me, hard, making me feel uncomfortable. We entered the room farthest down the hall.
It was ginormous. On the right wall was a picture window giving a spectacular view of Blegario. In the center was a bed for five. To the left of it was a large dresser, and above with was a board filled with drawings. There was a bearskin rug in front of the bed on the plush cream carpet. Near the window was a round table, covered in paper, art supplies, and books. Lastly, on the north wall were different weapons in cases, like tomahawks, rifles, and a machine gun. "Wow." I said quietly. "I didn't know you liked to draw." I walked over the the board, and he followed me." Uh,yeah." He laughed lightly.
There were drawings of Blegario, and places I didn't know. Some were animals, like tigers of bears. But I didn't expect to see some of me. There were ones of me with serious faces, and others of me laughing like I'd just saw the funniest thing ever.
Every single one of his drawings were amazing. "Luka, you're incredible." I said in awe. "Really? I though you'd find it creepy. He laughed, though I could hear some seriousness in his voice. I turned around. "Not at all."
I looked over at the bed. "You're bed is 20 times the size of mine!" I exclaimed. "Yeah." He chuckled. "I feel quite lonely sleeping in that bed by myself." He joked. I laughed weakly. "Maybe I could join you." I whispered in his ear. We both laughed, knowing that could never happen. "Well, if I can't sleep in it, there is one thing I want to do." With that I climbed up onto it, and began to jump on it as if it was a trampoline. "Come on!" I waved him over. He didn't move. "We shouldn't, Nala." I stopped bouncing, and pouted. "Ah, fine." He caved. He climbed up , grabbing one of his plush pillows and began lightly hitting me with it. "Hey!" I shrieked, forgetting where we were. I grabbed a pillow as well and hit him on the head. He laughed, and attacked me. We fell down in a heap of laughter. Suddenly, the door burst open. We froze, thinking we'd been caught. "Is everything alright in here?" A guard called. It was the man before who was eyeing me. "Everything's fine, Marcus." Luka replied. The guard who now had a name nodded."I heard shrieking, so I wanted to make sure everything was ok." Luka turned to me, eyebrows raised. "Geez Nala, why'd you have to be so loud!" Luka joked. I slapped his arm. Marcus stood in the doorway, staring at me..again. "Nala? He called out. "Nala Hawking?" "Yes.." I replied hesitantly. "Who are you, and how do you know my last name?" He stepped forward, and I instinctively scooted back into Luka. "Marcus, what's going on? How do you know her?"He called. Marcus's eyes began to water. "Because....I'm your father." He choked out.
"What?" I whispered. My father? How I could I really believe him? "If you're my father, then what's my mother's name?"
"Elisa." He said without missing a beat. I gasped. "Can we go somewhere..private?" He asked. I felt Luka stiffen. I looked up at him, and nodded he relaxed. "I have to, Luka." He nodded." You don't have to worry. I grew up with Marcus by my side- he won't hurt you." "Ok." He leaned forward and kissed me lightly. "Bye." He whispered. "Bye, Luka.
I led Marcus to my room, closing the door behind us."Have a seat." I gestured to the bed. He sat, rubbing his thighs uncomfortably."So."

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