Author's Note and Epilogue

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Heeey there! How you doin'?

Thank you so much for reading "Somewhere Else [Damien Haas]!" I don't know if you're that kind of reader who just reads a completed book in one sitting, so if you are, you gotta get some sleep, my friend. If you aren't, then hey, nice going!

This is my third Damien Haas x OC book since February 2020, and it has been such a pleasure writing Smosh x OC stories since it helps me build characters better and make sure the story flows well between the two ships. I still am considering making a Smosh x Reader oneshot compilation again, but I've been very busy lately, and I don't think I can be consistent with it. If you'd like, you can check out my first Smosh x Reader oneshot compilation titled "The Three Laws of Motion!"

Since I'm pretty busy, as I said, my next book will be out probably at the end of this month. It took me a week to edit the entirety of this, and I'd say I needed more time. But voila, it's done! Anyway, my next book, which would be my third Shourtney book, is titled "Girl Stellar" and I hope you're looking forward to it! The cover's up there, but it's a bit blurry. My bad.

Again, thank you so much for reading this book, I hope you enjoyed it, let me know if you have some feedback you wanna share. You guys are absolutely the best readers any writer can have.

Without further ado, here is the epilogue in Jade's POV and see ya!


I took notes. Shayne is the muscular one, and he is often shipped with Courtney, the blonde girl. Olivia's boyfriend is Sam, who happens to be Shayne's friend, and he set them up together apparently. Keith and Noah are almost inseparable, despite one looking all fashionable (Keith) and the other looking just as fashionable but the hair goes crazy (Noah). Ian is the only one I know who doesn't need notes. He's Ian freaking Hecox, come on now.

"What are you reading?" Damien asks as he drives to his office.

"Oh, nothing," I answer, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"You were so focused. I bet it's a reviewer on all my friends."

"Naaaaaw, it isn't."

"Your tone's kind of a giveaway."

I sigh. "Okay, it is. I just don't want to seem rude to your friends. They all seem like genuinely nice people, and I want to make sure that they don't hate you for me."

"They're gonna love you."

"You sure?"

"Trust me." He holds my hand, and I put it back on the wheel. "Oh, please. We're already adults. I can hold your hand and drive."

"Well... if you insist." I grin as he holds my hand again. "So have you sent the money to Mr. Kim?"

"Oh, yeah, they were both so thrilled to have money for a new cab," he answers, taking a swift turn. "He told us that, if we ever return to Japan, our ride's on him."

"You really wanna return to Japan after everything that happened?"

"Well... yeah."

"Same. I felt like we didn't have enough time in the Pokemon Center."

"My thoughts exactly! God, you're perfect," Damien remarks before lightly pecking my knuckles. "I can't believe I've loved you for the longest time but it's only now that you're meeting my friends. And guesting on Smoshcast."

"Wait, I'm gonna guest on Smoshcast?" I ask him, eyes widened. "Holy crap, that's amazing. I've always wanted to be on a podcast. Maybe Lily and I should explore that too, now that you mention it. Oh, it's already so much fun."

When we arrive at Mythical, I sign into the front desk before meeting Rhett and Link, basically the fathers of YouTubers and two of Damien's favorite YouTubers. "When Ian said that we'd be under their wing, you bet I was more than excited," he tells me as we wave them goodbye. "I was literally gonna be in the same building as them for so many hours a week. It was amazing and it still is."

"Honestly, if you worked with Smosh a little earlier, like even before we dated, you'd probably be the third guy of Smosh," I reply, laughing. "Kidding. We would never have been friends, because you'd always be in Sacramento."

"Eh, we could have met one way or another," he assures me, holding my hand as we enter Smosh's side of the building. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

We enter Ian's office, and it's hard not to be starstruck when you meet your childhood favorite 33-year-old YouTuber. "Thank God you got out of there unscathed," is the first thing he says, not looking up from his screen. When he does, his reaction changes almost completely. "Oh. Hi. I was so unready to see a stranger in my office."

"Sorry," I say, scratching the back of my neck. "I hope you have zero idea that I am completely starstruck right now."

"Well, now I do," he replies, chuckling. "Jade, it is so nice to finally meet you. Damien's stories have a face now, and you two both have to thank me for sending Damien to Japan. Actually, I thought he was just gonna go out of state, but this man has been so stressed he leaves the gosh darn country."

"Ahhh, don't tell my girlfriend I was overworking," Damien tells him, sighing.

"Your words, not mine," Ian retorts, taking a sip of his coffee. "But can I have a word with your girlfriend for a moment? Go set up Smoshcast with Shayne, and get Courtney in there so that you guys are a car."

Damien pats me on the back and kisses me on the cheek before leaving the office. Ian faces me and offers me some coffee. "What's up?" I ask him.

"You are a life-saver," he answers, sitting back in his seat and smiling. "And it isn't just about the whole visa thing. I've known Damien for years, and I had never seen him hit rock bottom until a month ago. He... really needed some caring. He's all about love and happiness and all that, but he forgets that he's part of the equation. You just happen to be the right answer."

We look outside his office's window, and we watch Damien pull Shayne and Courtney to the set, looking completely joyous and excited for what's to come. "So was he to be honest," I reply, chuckling. "I really had no idea it was gonna be him again, you know. My high school sweetheart."

"Ha, too bad I can't say the same for me and Lily," he tells me, sighing, and my eyes widen. "Oh, sorry. My high school girlfriend was Lily Holloway. I don't know how she's doing right now, but it'd really be nice if I were to get in contact with her again."

I nudge him as I stand by his doorframe. "I think I am familiar with said Lily," I tease him, grinning. "So, how would you like to be stuck for a month somewhere else with your high school lover?"

Ian could only laugh when I left his office, but he did contact me a day later.


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