Chapter 10: Preparing For The Shrine Festival

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Narrator's POV

When Kagome woke up the next day, she saw Aoi and Haise cleaning.

"Good morning, Aoi and Haise,"

"Good morning, Kagome," Haise and Aoi said.

"You're both cleaning like there's no tomorrow. What's the event?"

"There's going to be a shrine festival in 3 days, so Aoi and I are cleaning the shrine,"

"Oh. Same in the human world. Let me help you clean,"

Kagome helped Aoi and Haise clean the shrine. The whole morning, they cleaned the inside and outside of the shrine. After cleaning the, they took a rest because they got tired of cleaning the entire place.

"Wow, it's spotless," Kagome said.


It's already lunchtime, and the three of them ate lunch. After eating lunch, Aoi got an idea.

"Haise, I got an idea,"

"What is it, Aoi?"

"Why not ask Kagome to dance at the festival,"

"That's a good idea. Are you ok with it, Kagome?"

"What kind of dance?"

"Kagura dance,"

"I know that dance. Yes, I accept,"


After eating, Haise told Kagome to follow him.

Haise's POV

Kagome agreed to dance the kagura dance at the festival.

I told her to come with me because I will show her something. We went to the storage room, and I grab a box.

"What is inside, Haise?"

"Open it,"

Kagome opened it.

"Wow. Is this what I will wear at the festival?"

"Yup, and your costume when you dance the kagura dance,"

"It's so beautiful. It has a sakura design. Can I try it on?"

"Sure. I will call Aoi to help you wear that"

It is a kimono with a sakura design.

I called Aoi to help Kagome wear the kimono. Aoi came, and she helped Kagome wear the kimono. I am outside the changing room, waiting for Kagome.

"Uhum, Haise?"

I raise my head because I'm facing the floor. Wow, I'm speechless. Kagome looked stunning in that kimono. My heart is beating so fast.

Kagome's POV

The kimono is beautiful. I want to try it on, so Haise called Aoi to help me wear it.

In the changing room, Aoi said that Haise would be speechless when he sees me wearing this. And I'm not mistaken because he is speechless when he saw me wearing the kimono.

"What did I say?" Aoi said.

"I will leave you two," Aoi said and winked at me.

"Haise? What do you think? I said and turned around.

"It suits you, Kagome. It's like the kimono is meant for you,"

"Thank you,"

I went to see myself in the mirror and Haise was right, it suits me.

"I'm going to take this off now,"


I went to the changing room and change into my kimono. When I am done changing to my kimono, I went out.

"What are we going to do next, Haise?"

"Let's make decorations'


We went outside the shrine, and we saw Aoi making the decorations already.

"Let us help you, Aoi'


"Are you going to practice the kagura dance, Kagome?" Aoi said.

"Yup. Maybe later, in my room. I know already the steps, but practice makes perfect,"


Aoi, Haise, and I make the decorations for the upcoming festival. I can't wait for the festival because I know it's going to be fun.

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