Chapter 18: Jealous & Drunk

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Narrator's POV

The next day, Kagome and Haise got ready to go to the wedding ceremony of Haise's close friend.

"Are you ready, Kagome?"

"Yup. Be there in a minute,"

Haise waited for Kagome to come out. After a few minutes, Kagome came out and was dressed nicely.

"You look nice and beautiful,"

"Thank you,"

"Let's go?"


"See you tomorrow, Haise and Kagome,"

"We will wait for your return,"

"Ok. Take care you two,"

"We will. You too"

Haise and Kagome left the shrine.

"Are we going to ride the floating palanquin, Haise?"

"Yup. It will only take 30 minutes for us to get there,"

"Nice. It's my first time riding a floating palanquin,"

Haise called the floating palanquin, and the two of them rode it. Thirty minutes later, they have arrived at their destination.

"We have arrived,"

"Wow, that's quick. It's like an airplane,"


"Yup. It's our way of transportation to a place that is far away,"

"Ah, ok. Come, let's get off,"

They got off the floating palanquin, and they landed on Haise's close friend's house. In the invitation, it says that Haise is their special guest. They will stay at their house in the meantime.

"Wow, this place looks great,"

"I agree,"

Suddenly a spirit appeared and approached them.

"Good day to you. Are you Haise?"

"Yes, I am,"

"Come, I will show you to your room. By the way, I am the maid here,"

The spirit showed them their room. It's only one room, but have a separate sleeping mattress.

"Is the room ok for the both of you?"

"It's ok,"

"Ok. I will be back with your food,"

The spirit left the room to prepare their food. Kagome and Haise rest for a bit. After a few minutes, the spirit knocked and entered the room.

"Here, have some tea and biscuits,"

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome. I will take my leave,"

The spirit left, and Haise and Kagome ate the food.


"It tastes good,"

After eating their food, they put the tray outside the room.

"Haise, can I roam around for a bit?"

"Ok. I will just rest for a bit,"

Kagome roamed around the place and was amazed because there's a sakura tree. She went to the sakura tree.

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