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"Im very sorry for having you do this, Y/n" A long haired woman sobbed to a girl who sat beside her bed, crying.

The girl held the sobbing woman's frail hand "Onii-sama... p-please don't d-do this!" She cried out the laying woman.

"They need you! I need you!" The h/c girl pleaded to her, her form trembling and shaking as she sobbed to the frail woman.

"I cannot live... longer Y/n... you of all people should know that" the woman says, her sweat dripped down her face.

The room had dim lighting. The doors were closed as only the two of them were alone. But only they were not completely alone.

On the frail woman's sides laid two babies. Twins like the two girls that were crying.

"B-but Onii-sama! Please! Just live through for me! For your babies!" Y/n cries, placing the woman's frail hand on her forehead, pleading.

The woman was panting heavily. Her skin was getting cold by the minutes that passed by. Her deep breathes getting quick as she gripped the other female's hands.

"I'm seeing light Y/n..." she stated weakly mumbling to her.

The other woman sobbed and slowly places the woman's hand back to the ground and held the two sleeping babies at her side.

"Good bye... Y/n"

"Sayonara... Onii-sama"

Y/n turned away and stood up with the two babies on hand. Walking away, she could visualize the scene as her older sister closes her eyes.

"Don't worry Onii-sama... I'll raise them properly... I swear on my life"

If you got confused.

The other woman was Yoriichi and Michikatsu's mother. Like in the manga.

And now she dies and I decided to have the reader (you) become her younger twin sister.

Oh, and I decided that you will become a somehow mother figure.

You'll be taken care by your elder sister's husband. I'll name him Hiro

So yeah.

Years passed

"What?! You can't do this Hiro! Onii-sama wouldn't want this!!" A h/c haired girl fumed at a black haired man.

"I can! I am the father of that child Y/n!" He yelled back, his brows furrowed as he glared at the woman before turning to walk away.

"So?! I'm telling you! This isn't the right thing to do!" Y/n exclaims as she gripped his sleeve.

Y/n isn't much of a religious woman unlike her sister and their family. She just can't believe the priests words about the other child who had a mark on his face.

"He's just a child Hiro!" She yells at him, trying to grips his sleeve harder as he tried pushing her hand off it.

"I know what's good for hi--

"You fucking don't Hiro!" She cuts him off.

The servants ignored them as they passed by their argument. Fearing that they'd transfer their anger to them.

They fought just by the hall that surrounds the house. Which meant they were fighting outside just the same.

"They're fighting again.." a maid whispers to the other who turned to the two arguing adults.

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