chapter two

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(chapter ii)

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Yuna fidgeted restlessly on the piano bench, her body betraying her inner turmoil

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Yuna fidgeted restlessly on the piano bench, her body betraying her inner turmoil. The recent incident in her English class had left her emotions in a turbulent state, and she yearned to release the pent-up sadness and shame.

Tears threatened to well up in her eyes as the memory of her embarrassing moment in class replayed in her mind, intensifying her feelings of embarrassment.

She was already mentally preparing herself to confront her twin brother, Koshi, when she got home, knowing it was his fault she didn't get a good night's rest. She had dedicated hours to assisting him with practicing his tosses, even though his own team had limited opportunities for him to hone his skills as a setter.


"Tashiro-san actually believes you can become the starting setter?" Yuna questioned, her disbelief evident in her tone.

Koshi nodded thoughtfully, replying, "Well, senpai said I should keep trying, but even if I don't make it, I won't give up. I'll do my best to support Asahi and Daichi no matter what."

Yuna responded with a contemplative hum before throwing the volleyball to her brother.

"Well, then I'll continue to do my best."

Koshi chuckled, catching the ball and approaching his twin. He ruffled her hair affectionately before offering advice.

"That's great to hear, but perhaps work on expressing your emotions a bit more first."

"Hey, I do show emotions," Yuna protested, pouting at her brother's teasing.

Koshi couldn't help but laugh, retorting, "Your family doesn't count, 'Ice Princess,'" as Yuna snatched the ball from him and swiftly hurled it directly towards his face.

Koshi flinched and let out an exaggerated 'Ow' sound as the ball made contact with his face. He stumbled backward with a dramatic flair, clutching his cheek in mock pain.

"Yuna how could you?!" He feigned hurt, his eyes wide with mock outrage.


Feeling the need to calm her racing thoughts, Yuna placed her fingers gently on the cold keys of the piano and inhaled deeply. She took a moment of respite, attempting to compose her swirling emotions—particularly the residual embarrassment from her earlier incident.

Just as she was ready to immerse herself in music, the door to the music room suddenly burst open, causing Yuna to startle and reflexively slam her hands onto the keys with a discordant sound.

Her heart raced as she turned to see who had interrupted her moment of solitude.

She slowly turned her head, her gaze landing on the person who had entered the room, which was usually left undisturbed during her designated time. Members of the club typically refrained from sharing the space unless it was for meetings, allowing each of them to enjoy individual use at their leisure. Yuna couldn't help but wonder who had the audacity to breach the unspoken rule.

She studied the tall newcomer, his features unfamiliar to her. She tried to recall if any of her club members had mentioned a new member, but as she took a closer look, she realized something didn't quite fit. There was a sense that this individual didn't quite belong to the club.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise as the tall male exclaimed, "Wah, you really are here, Suga-chan~"

Yuna furrowed her brows at the nickname, feeling a pang of confusion and wariness. She had no idea who he was, and that uncertainty only heightened her caution. Her eyes darted around the room, searching for anything within reach that could be used as a makeshift weapon, just in case.

Yuna clenched her fists, her voice cautious and steely. "Give me a good reason not to scream or throw something at you," she warned.

The male chuckled, muttering something inaudible before responding with a hint of realization, "Ah, so it's true that they told me not to come here."

She stared at him with a mix of disbelief and frustration. "You've been warned, yet you still made the decision to come here?" she questioned, her voice laced with irritation.

The male blinked at her words, his initial impulse being to argue, but he quickly held back upon noticing her hand inching closer to the music stand. He realized that provoking her further was not the wise choice at the moment.

The male blinked, visibly shocked as he spoke, "Wait—are you...planning to throw that at me?"

Yuna shrugged nonchalantly, her expression giving away her seriousness. "You haven't given me a reason to think otherwise, so my natural response is to regard you as a potential threat," she responded coolly.

The male couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter, holding his stomach as he chuckled, "You are so cute, Suga-chan."

In his momentary distraction, he failed to notice Yuna's stealthy approach with the music stand firmly in her grasp, until it was too late.

As the music stand came within striking distance, the male froze in fear, the color draining from his face. With a serious expression fixated upon him, he swallowed hard as he took in her determined stance.

"State your name and class, or I'll seriously consider hurting you," she demanded.

The male hesitated for a moment, visibly nervous, before finally responding, "Oikawa, Tooru...Class 4 of Year 2."

Yuna stepped back, placing the stand gingerly on the floor, allowing Tooru to let out a sigh of relief. However, her words caught him off guard.

"Ah, I mustn't harm one of the rising aces," she stated, her expression impassive.

Tooru's grin widened as he leaned in closer, a hint of surprise in his voice, "Oh! Oh, you know about me, Suga-chan?"

Yuna let out a huff, her annoyance evident as she retorted, "Not that I want to, but girls in my class always gush about you. It's annoyingly hard to forget...please close the door on your way out, Oikawa-san."

Tooru pouted at her perceived lack of charm, but reluctantly complied, muttering, "Wah, how uncute."

He muttered in irritation, and Yuna glanced over her shoulder, her expression dismissive. "You're not any better to begin with," she retorted.

He clenched his teeth in frustration and slammed the door shut with a heavy thud, but to his disappointment, Yuna remained unfazed, seemingly unaffected by the loud noise. She resumed practicing at the piano without a second thought.

He leaned against the closed door to the music room, his mind in turmoil. He couldn't help but feel intrigued by the girl who seemed so utterly indifferent to his presence and actions. The more he thought about it, the more curious he became.

Tooru silently made a mental note to himself, promising that he'd find a way to get a proper reaction out of the strangely emotionless girl.

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