chapter six

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(chapter vi)

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Yuna approached Iwaizumi's desk during the break period before the next subject began

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Yuna approached Iwaizumi's desk during the break period before the next subject began. "Iwaizumi-kun," she called out, getting his attention.

Iwaizumi looked up from his desk, meeting Yuna's gaze with his trademark blank expression. "Yes?" he responded, his voice remaining stoic.

"You're the team's wing-spiker, right?" Yuna confirmed, her hand resting under her chin in deep thought.

There was a brief moment of silence as the pair gazed at each other without saying a word. The rest of their classmates watched with held breath, not daring to interrupt or intrude on the silent exchange between the two. It was as if they were witnessing an artistic masterpiece unfolding before their eyes.

Hajime took the lead in breaking the silence, asking, "Do you know a lot about volleyball?"

Yuna nodded in response, explaining, "I know a fair bit because my brother plays it. He often talks about it, and since he always listens to me, I thought it was only fair to educate myself about his hobby, even if I personally find volleyball a bit dull. At least I can hold a conversation about it with him now."

"Ah, so it's just to keep a conversation going then," Hajime inquired, to which Yuna promptly nodded. "Anyways, since you want to observe Trashykawa tossing, you can follow me to our practice after school. Our coach won't mind as long as you don't distract us."

Yuna tilted her head, hearing the nickname 'Trashykawa'. She inquired, "Trashykawa?"

Hajime quickly closed his mouth, realizing he had inadvertently called Tooru by that name.

"Sorry, I meant Oikawa," Hajime quickly corrected himself, realizing his slip-up.

"Oh, okay," Yuna responded. "Watching your practice would be convenient then. However, I still need to obtain Yakisoba bread for Oikawa-san."

Hajime let out a soft chuckle and leaned on his palm as he responded, "You were actually going to get it? Don't bother; he's just messing with you."

Yuna refused to back down, her determination unyielding. "No, a deal is a deal," she replied firmly. "Thank you for your time, Iwaizumi-kun."

With a polite bow, Yuna returned to her desk, situated in the far corner of the classroom.

Hajime's gaze remained fixed on Yuna as she returned to her seat, only to find himself startled when a group of his classmates suddenly surrounded him.

"Iwa-kun," one male student began, a curious note in his voice, "since when did you and the 'Ice Princess' become friends?"

Hajime leaned back, slightly overwhelmed by the barrage of questions that followed, posed by both male and female students alike.

Hajime let out a weary sigh as he struggled to find a concise answer to the multitude of questions being hurled at him. Fortunately, the bell rang just in time, rescuing him from the need to craft a response.

By the end of the experience, he felt physically exhausted and found himself on the verge of dozing off during class, his mind weary from the relentless questions.

Just as Hajime was about to surrender to the temptation to close his eyes and doze off, he felt a soft but precise impact on the back of his head. Startled, he looked back to see Yuna, her face devoid of expression, but her finger pointed directly at a crumpled ball of paper lying on the floor.

Intrigued, Hajime picked up the rumpled paper and slowly smoothed it open, curious about its contents.

"No sleeping, Iwaizumi-kun," Hajime read aloud, a snort escaping him before he could cover it up with his hand. He found himself struggling to suppress his laughter for the duration of the class period.

Fortunately, he managed to stay awake since he had already been caught dozing off by the teacher multiple times. If he were to get caught again, he would face either staying behind or a detention, which was not an ideal outcome.

Hajime leaned his head on his palm, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he pondered the unlikely friendship that was unfolding between him and Yuna. She was definitely intriguing, and he began to envision her becoming a regular feature in his daily life.

With any luck, she might be open to the idea of being friends. Having an ally who could match wits and handle his idiot childhood friend Tooru would be advantageous.

Hajime couldn't deny the logic behind choosing Yuna as the ideal candidate to deal with Tooru. The mere thought of it made him smile even wider.

As soon as the bell signaled the end of class, Hajime wasted no time in making his way toward Yuna. Without hesitation, he decided to take the first step and approached her directly.

"Sugawara, would you like to be friends?" Hajime's question caught the attention of some of their classmates, who turned to him with expressions of disbelief, as if he had just done something utterly ludicrous.

Yuna lifted her gaze to meet his eyes, her face maintaining its usual composure. "I would be delighted to," she responded matter-of-factly, but without a smile. However, Hajime noticed a hint of red tinging her cheeks.

Hajime made a mental note of the slight blush in Yuna's cheeks, taking it as his first clue when it came to deciphering the Ice Princess' emotions.

Despite the prying eyes of their classmates, Hajime and Yuna continued their conversation. The students around them gawked at the sight of the unexpected pair: Hajime, seemingly oblivious to the unwanted attention, while Yuna remained unaffected, her face as stoic as ever, ignoring the nosy gazes.

Hajime turned his head to glare at the staring students, making them look away in fear. He looked back at Yuna and gave her a smirk. "Looks like we have an audience, what a shame that they can't mind their own business"

Yuna raised an eyebrow at the group of students who were shamelessly staring at them, before meeting Hajime's gaze. She gave him a subtle nod in agreement, but her expression remained steadfast. "Indeed," she said calmly, "it seems we've attracted quite the spectacle."

"Oh well, let them stare," Hajime chuckled, his smirk growing wider. "We're giving them a show they'll never forget"

Yuna couldn't help but let out a small, amused smile at Hajime's playful attitude, a fleeting crack in her icy demeanor.

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