b r e a t h a i r

26 4 0

The winds were speaking at me
Whispering comforts and warmth
As I seat under this yellow leaves tree
Finding freedom as the wind talk to me

They were laughing with me
They were having fun with me

And I just realized
To live was to breath air
To live was be embrace by the air
To live was to be with your "like- siblings"
To live was to breath air until the end

The winds are now screaming at me
Shouting their canons and harm
As I seat under this red leaves tree
Losing freedom as the wind yell at me

They are now laughing at me
They are now having fun at me

And I just realized
To live was to breath air
To live was be embrace by the air
To live was to be with your "like-siblings"
To live was to breath air until the end
But not until that day

A mango tree grew apples
The wind taught me to eat it
And I was a red rose grew cold
I was blown by the wind
And end up being in hell

And now I realize
To live is not to breath air
To live is not to embrace the air
To live is not to be with your "like-siblings"
To live is not to breath air until the end

I may not live without air in this life
But I am glad to die to end this strife
And have new one and go for strive
To find the ones that make feel I need to be alive
Or maybe I already have them

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