c i r c l e

31 4 0

I once wonder what circle is
Just a three hundred sixty degrees?
But now I know what circle is
It is where your hope decrease

The highest rises causes the hardest falls
The kneeling cries came from the "standing tall"s
Running around this huge round dome
Stumbling down, no holes in this hole

I once wonder what circle is
Just a three hundred sixty degrees?
But now I know what circle is
It is where your hope decrease

The forbidden escapes have the fate-driven catches
The hardwork do's made the giving-up watches
Walking around this dark round room
Sitting down, is there a light in this doom?

I once wonder what circle is
Just a three hundred sixty degrees?
But now I know what circle is
It is where your hope decrease

I'm not eating enough
He's slowly killing me
I'm not doing a laugh
He's slowly zipping my lips
I made my own chains
Captured my owns knees
He thought my own sways
He caught my own hips

I made a barbwire rope
I wore it like a tie
He said it's my necklace
Let him make it tight
I saw a little hope
But him and me was tie
With a diamond lace
Let him kill the light

I once wonder what circle is
Just a three hundred sixty degrees?
But now I know what circle is
It is where your hope decrease

Maybe he is insurmountable
Maybe it seems impossible
And, yes, I'm tired catching the light
Tired of tending to this dwindling fire
But I'll turn this tables and unable
And I'll find the end of this circle

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