Chapter seven

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   Still grief stricken at the loss of her son, feyre didn't have the will to summon her wings as she fell through the sky. She felt Rhys scooping her in his arms, his wings extending to keep them from crashing to the ground. She knew that she should pull herself together whilst they were falling through the sky.
   Why was she falling through the sky anyway?
   All she remembers is pain worse than that of when she was under the mountain. But it wasn't physical pain - it was pain in her heart, like a pice of her had been ripped apart.
   Feyre finally looked up from where she had buried her head in Rhys's shoulder and saw that Cassian had both Mor and Nesta in his arms and Azriel had Elain and Amren in his.
   The family flew closer together so they could all be in contact for them to winnow away.  Rhys, Feyre and Mor all focussed on the place they had agreed was the safest to travel to - outside the library in Velaris. They had all decided this as a family when they had settled into the new estate down by the river. If ever they were in an extremely bad situation where they needed to get out, this was the place they were to go.
   The inner circle landed in a library below ground. But it wasn't the library in Velaris. Feyre tried to focus on her surroundings through her haze of grief, and noted that spread throughout the library were different tanks full of strange creatures she had never seen before. And that was saying something since she had seen plenty of wild creatures throughout Prythian.
"Where are we? This isn't anyplace I've seen before and these things look like nothing from prythian" feyre heard Mor say through her slowly dissipating grief.
   Feyre saw the blonde fae try to winnow out to no success "great. we're trapped. And there's no alcohol here. What in cauldron are we gonna do?"
After finally getting a hold of herself, feyre took in her surroundings. Where ever they were it sure as hell wasn't prythian.


   Rhys stood in the strange library thinking over the past hour. Whatever had happened to him and his court was no accident. What are the odds that their baby boy goes missing and then when they get to his bedroom the book of breathings is in the babies crib.
   He was in so much pain at what had happened and he could even imagine what his mate was going through. Rhys repeatedly tried to talk to her through the bond and, weather she did it intentionally or not, feyre kept denying him access.
   "Az and Cas I need you to get a bearing on where we are and if there is any way to get out. Mor, amren and nesta I need you to look at these books and try and find out where we are. Elain help me get your sister onto this couch. I'm going to help the others with the books, you make sure feyre is ok"
Scouring the bookshelves for anything that looked like it would be of use Rhys couldn't stop himself from thinking that it was his fault Callum was gone. If he had of been a better father he wouldn't have lost the pride of his life. Before he could get too deep into his thoughts he heard amren call out
"Hey guys. I think I know where we are. And it's not good."

(This next part is not factually correct. It just has me filling in some gaps that go with the story. This next part includes my theory on where amren is from and is not confirmed in any of the books so far)


Amren scanned the shelves of the library for anything that could give her some information on where they were. Her eyes skimmed the titles to seeing if any sounded like the type of book she was after, when she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes had snagged on the name of a book on one of the higher shelves.
She hadn't seen that book for millennia. The last time she had seen it had been the day before she fell through the worlds.
She flicked through the pages to be sure of herself before she called out to her friends. Looking through the pages there was no mistaking that this was the book she thought it was.
Uncharacteristic fear started to creep its way into amren's voice. "Hey guys. I think I know where we are. And it's not good." She looked up from the book at her family, Her whole body trembling.
Everyone rushed over to see what amren had found and, noticing the fear in her eyes, looked to one another with worry written all over their faces. "I remember when this book was still being written" amren sighed, a shake in her voice.
   The inner circle looked at her with confusion plain on their faces. "As you know before I came to prythian I was from another dark world. Well, before I fell through the tear in the world I was in the midst of a war.
   "My people were fighting against these fae who had the powers of the stars. I didn't agree with my race on the fighting and war but I still fought anyways. It was brutal and I watched many of my friends get killed. The war finally ended but so many had died, both fae and demon." A shadow passed over her face as she spoke
   At the word demon her family straightened with shock, but only for a few seconds, before composing themselves again. Whatever they thought of her reveal she would contemplate later. Right now she had to focus and tell them what she knew.
   "I was friends with a fae who was a scholar at the Library Of Parthos and she was recoding the happenings of the war at the time. I shouldn't really say friends. I didn't know how to feel emotions then. She was more of a person who I didn't have the immediate urge to kill.
   "The day before I fell to your world, she was detailing the defeat of the demons and how the starborn," she pointed to a picture of a man and woman, the man holding a horn shaped object, who were surrounded with a type of light, "bested my kind with something known as 'Luna's Horn'. It channeled their powers and amplified it, leaving the demons defenceless. That was the last I saw of this book before I left this shit hole forever." Never before had amren ever looked so bitter.
   "Midgard is a horrible place, ruled by horrible dictators know as the asteri. They hold the power in their grasp through rulers known as arch angels."
   "Hold on just a second" cassian butted in, arms folded across his chest as he leaned against a shelf, "what is this Midgard place, what are these asteri, and what is an 'arch angel?"
   Shooting the general a glare, amren continued talking. "As I was saying before you interrupted me you oaf, Midgard is the place we are stranded in right now, it's like how we have prythian and the mortal worlds and Hybern. We are in a completely seperate world from where we are from.
   "The asteri are powerful beings with pure white wings who rule over everything and lead people to believe they know everything. The arch angels are the asteri's lackeys. They have wings like the peregryns do and have unbelievable powers. But their power isn't as large as their masters. Don't confuse them with Malakim. Whilst the malakim are powerful, they don't have the same power as an arch angel."
   Amren looked up at her companions expectantly. She had just explained their situation to the best of her ability. She had no idea what had happed to her birthplace over the last few millennia. For all she knew the asteri and malakim could all be extinct by now.
   Nesta was the first to break the silence.
   "Ok so we know where we are. Now all we need is a plan to get out of here."
   Two seconds after nesta had finished speaking the fae all heard the sound of a key in a door and the familiar hiss of magic seals.
   Within a fraction of a second they were all on their feet, weapons drawn, facing a flight of stairs leading upward. They heard a muffled screaming from the other side of the door and then the silence of desertion. Whoever had been about to unlock the door had been caught up in some sort of commotion, leaving them to find some other way of escaping the underground library.

Sorry for taking so long on this chapter. I have had a lot of assessments due and lots of binging to do on Netflix. I hope you enjoy this chapter and are staying safe during COVID. It's always a pleasure to write for you guys. I'd just like to say a big thanks for over 150 reads, I didn't think I would get many but here we are so thanks a lot guys 😊

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