chapter 6

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"we have $3.25 left, dream." george looked at the change in one hand and the bag of grocerys in the other. he poured the change into the plastic bag and wrapped it around his wrist.

"what are we supposed to do with that? we cant afford a hotel." dream focused of the white bag in georges hands.

"we shouldve called the police, dream."

"ok with what phone?" dream looked up from the lifeless bag and stared at george, who had soft eyes.

his eyes are so pretty. george is so pretty.

george noticed dream had a fond look on his face. sorta goofy. george half smiled but held the eye contact.

dream looked down at his lips.

kiss me.

george saw him look at his lips.

why is he-

dream caught himself entirely too late and mumbled something. his freckled cheeks turned bright red and he looked at the ground as he began to walk in the opposite direction of george.

what the fuck? did i just do that? theres no way i just did that.

"um anyways," george started as he caught up next to dream. "we could have used like the H-E-B phone."

"its not too late to go back." dream was acting so awkward, he was just pacing back and forth like he had no sense of direction.

"dream what the hell is going on?" george put his hand on dreams shoulder. he was so confused. one minute, dream looked like he was about to kiss him and the next, hes avoiding him.

"what? nothing! im just incredibly stressed out right now, i have no idea whats going on or where we are or what to do and its messing me up!" it was true for both the kidnapping situation and his emotional battle over his feelings for his best friend.

dream swatted georges hand away and sat on the dirt, his knees up to his chest, his arms crossed and his head on his arms.

george stood there, shocked. he didnt know what to say, dream never snapped at him like that. without hesitation, his eyes welled with tears. he looked away to distract himself but his mind just kept coming back to the dark place.


"george?" dream looked up at george, and saw how upset he was. "george,"

george lifted him arms and covered his face with his hands. the plastic bag fell to his elbow. "im stressed out too, dream"

he has no idea.

dream stood up and hugged george, careful of the bruise so he put his arms on top.

george wrapped his arms around dreams waist and cried into his chest.

dream stroked georges hair, and they stood there in front of H-E-B, just hugging, george crying, dream playing with his hair.


as the sun began to set, they sat with their backs against the H-E-B building and made peanut butter sandwiches with the products they bought earlier that day.

"so, where are we sleeping tonight?" dream asked, spreading peanut butter on his 3rd slice of bread.

(they were doing one slice of bread each sandwich, just basically toast folded in half)

"we could go back to our kidnappers house." george suggested, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"tRaUmA." dream sang, as he also took a bite of his.

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