chapter 3

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As I arrived at the new moon festival I realized very quickly I was drawing a lot of attention from everyone. I guess I am the only unmated alpha out of the 5 packs from all around the United states. Since the war 2 years ago, we had all formed a truce on each new moon. It had always been an unspoken truce even before the war, but now it was official.

I sat down around the biggest bonfire I'd ever seen. I could feel the heat. I caught a tall dark haired woman from another pack staring at me from across the meadow where this was held. She was a dream with soft curls, fair skin, long legs. I kept my eyes locked on hers wondering who would break first. Why wasn't she coming over here? At that moment a leggy blonde sat down next to me and started slowly rubbing my leg with hers. I reached around her back and pulled her close. With all these women in full blown heat I was instantly hard before I sat down. I wasn't trying to find a mate but our bodies were designed to do such animalistic things. I looked around and saw couples starting to pair off everywhere, anywhere. We didn't fight the animal inside on the new moon. I  lifted the blondes shirt off and pulled her over to straddle my lap. Her skimpy black skirt rode up, she wasn't wearing underwear. She moved her hips knowing I was ready. However, despite my plans to fuck as many women as I could to get rid of these urges I couldn't. I looked over the blondes shoulder and found the dark haired woman again at the bar hut. She was angry this time. She looked me dead in the eyes and I felt the need to push her one way or another. I licked the blondes collarbone slowly moving up her neck to her ear while staring into the eyes of the woman I actually wanted. What she did next solidified she was the one I'd fuck tonight, the only one.


I watched him licking her neck while staring at me. I knew who he was, what he was. My heat was now stronger than any other time. As he licked her, my hands went to my own neck touching myself where he was licking her. He noticed and smiled. He laid her down backwards her head hanging off his knees then he took his finger and traced her topless body from her chin down her neck. His fingers slowly making their way between her breasts. My fingers moving in the same places down my still clothed body. His gaze made me feel naked and exposed. I wanted to show him all of me right there. I enjoyed this game though. As his fingers went lower so did mine. I had to decide how far I would take this. "All the way" I mouthed to him while answering myself. I watched him lift her up to turn her facing outwards while pressing her back to his chest. Still watching me he lifted her skirt and moved his fingers down to her clit. She jumped. I jumped as I touched my own clit while resting against the bar. I moaned loud enough to catch attention of several guys, and my alphas smile let me know he caught it aswell. "Good." I thought. I didn't stop but spread my legs further revealing everything under my own skirt. She began to writhe under his touches. I felt so close to coming myself. He nodded his head in approval which sent me over the edge at the same time she came. He licked his lips then dipped his finger into the blondes cunt and brought it up to his own mouth and sucked it. I did the same moaning again. He shoved her to the ground as he stood and rushed over to me. He ignored the women that tried to catch his attention along the way. He nodded to a tall blonde man and looked immediately back into my eyes. Those eyes that held my focus as I imagined what he was about to do to me as he approached. He grabbed my ass and lifted me up. He carried me spread like that to a cabin. Only higher ups got the cabins. The rest of us slept in our own tents.  We made it through the door and straight towards a hallway. He led me all the way to room at the end of the hall to a large bedroom. The bedroom had a fireplace with a fire coating the room in a warm glow. He placed me on a log wood bed that creaked. I loved it. He slid my skirt off and lifted my shirt then growled. His nails were growing and his eyes turning golden from dark brown. I leaned forward to unbutton his jeans and I made sure to brush against his cock often as I pulled his pants off with a strong need. I  growled in frustration like everything was happening to slowly. He touched under my chin and gazed down at me as he easily finished stripping all his clothes off. He slowly laid me back and traced over every place I'd touched myself outside. In front of him, and everyone else. Once he got to my clit though he smiled greedily and spoke for the first time "mine" I nodded "yours" I responded. Why I don't  know, but I didn't lie.


"Yours" she told me so softly. I'd never called a women mine. I loved hearing her confirm it back to me. I knew nothing about her and yet felt everything I needed to know. I played with her clit the same way she had. She came so quickly this time I dipped my fingers in the pussy I wanted to taste outside. I loved her boldness. I moved in and out curling my fingers bringing her to orgasm again. Her moans fed something deep inside of me. I quickly moved on top of her and sunk my dick into her pussy in one hard push. She moaned again almost sounding in pain but everything on her face said pleasure. I wasn't gentle, I was greedy for her moans I needed it all. She was consuming me. My fangs started to grow. That's never happened but I noticed hers were growing also. I suddenly wanted to bite and mark her. I felt her every breathe on my skin, she looked like she wanted to bite me also. I pulled out and flipped her over and onto her hands and knees. No marking tonight just whatever this was. It was beautiful. It was peaceful. It was pure need not want. "I'm coming Jason!" She screamed "Oh god yes!" I grunted. I was thrilled that she knew who I was. Hearing my name on her lips was like finding treasure. As she started to tense up and I felt it deep inside her I proudly shot my cum deep into her. I lifted her to me both of us on our knees pressing into one another. She reached over her head and behind her grabbing my head in a loving gesture. We laid down her ass pressed against my dick. I loved knowing my cum was leaking out of her, the dirtier the better. The wolf inside was at peace. I pulled her close. "It's a bit late but you know my name shouldn't  I know yours?" I whispered into her ear. She had fallen asleep though. I'd never had a woman fall asleep in my arms before. I liked it. So I rested with her.

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